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Monster Hunter WildsHammer Guide

"A blunt weapon with both destructive power and mobility. Charge for more powerful attacks, and land blows on a monster's head to attempt to stun it. Guarding: None."


Earthshaker! Deep Impact! Poundtown! The mighty Hammer is a weapon that can inflict weighty blows on a monster. Watch as blows to the head of a monster can result in knockdowns. Many, many knockdowns.

Mobility does NOT take a dip with this weapon and there is no shortage of strong attacks when you can charge it up. So take charge! It’s Hammer-time!

The Hammer along with the Hunting Horn are the only Blunt Weapons in the game. You can learn more about every weapon in our breakdown to find the right one for you.

This guide was written by JourneyFar.

Strengths and Weaknesses


  • High Stun potential
    • With a weapon that deals high blunt damage, repeated blows to the head can easily knockout the monsters. Knockouts can lead to big openings for damage with your party or solo hunting.
  • Mobile Weapon
    • Despite its weighty and high damage attacks, Hammers are still relatively mobile while unsheathed. This helps to keep laying the pressure on the monster and not let up for even a second.
  • High damage charge attacks
    • Just like a Great Sword, Hammers can deliver powerful charged attacks but with an incredible advantage in mobility. Hunters can still move while charging up attacks and depending on movement, can unleash different attacks!


  • Short Range and slow attack motions:
    • The Hammer has a very short range so airborne monsters and faster moving monsters may prove difficult to hit. This is when positioning becomes important so that a monster can be taken down.
  • No cutting capability:
    • While being able to easily break off armored parts, a Hammer does not deal any slicing damage. This can be a detriment when some equipment may need a monster’s tail to be made.
  • Less evasive moves:
    • While some weapons provide some form of utility or mobility with their moveset, most Hammer attacks do not provide anything of that sort. Hammers are mighty, mobile weapons but lack defense.

Changes from Monster Hunter World

  • Finally, given an evasive move. Wilds has added an evasive move to the Hammer kit by the name of Charged Step.

  • Focus Mode allows dealing wound damage and retaining charge level on the Hammer so another follow up attack can be used.
  • Power Charge has been removed in favor of using more of the combos that Hammer has been given.

Moveset Highlights

Overhead Smash I (â–³)

A downward smash

  • Overhead Smash II (â–³,â–³) - A downward smash
    • Upswing (â–³,â–³,â–³) - known as golf swing combo because the animation looks like it and capable of Offset effect on monster

Spinning Bludgeon (â–³+â—¯)

Spins the Hammer around and around until losing momentum; multiple follow up attacks depending on how many spins were done. 

  • Spinning Side Smash (â–³, 0-1 spin) - Smashes the monster from the side with the hammer
  • Spinning Upswing (â–³, 2-3 spin) - Swings hammer upward using all the momentum

Big Bang I (â—¯)

A downward smash

  • Big Bang II (â—¯,â—¯) - A downward smash; must connect to continue combo
    • Big Bang III (â—¯,â—¯,â—¯) - A downward smash; must connect to continue combo
      • Big Bang IV (â—¯,â—¯,â—¯,â—¯) - A downward smash; must connect to continue combo
        • Big Bang Finisher (â—¯,â—¯,â—¯,â—¯,â—¯) - A 360 spin ending with a downward smash; known as Big Bang combo; deals a ton of damage but each attack MUST connect to continue combo

Charge (R2; can be charged)

Each charge stage is a different attack; can be charged to level 3

  • Level 1 - Charged Side Blow (â–³ or release R2) - Swings Hammer from the right side
    • Charged Follow-up (â–³) - Swings Hammer back around from the left side 
  • Level 2 - Charged Upswing (â–³ or release R2) - Swings Hammer upwards from below with slight forward momentum
    • Charged Follow-up (â–³) - Swings Hammer back around from the left side
  • Level 3 - Charged Big Bang (â–³ or release R2) - Swings Hammer to a high position from below and releases a massive pound back down. 
    • Mighty Charge (R2 held down + â–³ + â—¯) - Charges Hammer by swinging in a windmill fashion
        • Mighty Charge Slam (â–³ or release R2) - Strong Hammer slam with multiple damage instances
  • Charged Step (R2 Held down; â—¯) - A quick forward step movement that helps keep current charge level active

Focus Mode (L2, can be held down)

Mode shift to see any active Wounds on a monster

Focus Mode Strike: Earthquake (L2 Held down + R1) - Successful Focus Mode Strike enables the hunter to destroy the active monster Wound by swinging the hammer at it in a downward motion.


  • Midair Spinning Bludgeon (R2 while sliding/wall riding and Dismount Attack) is a good jumping attack. Utilizing this move often when possible can lead to good damage and easy mounts.

  • Instead of committing to Level 3 charged attacks, the level 2 Charge attack is a move that is quick to execute and can do a respectful amount of damage. Playing with other leveled attacks can keep damage consistent and meaningful AND lead to exhaustion status effect on monsters.
  • If the monster moves erratically while you’re charging a Mighty Charge slam, use Focus Mode to quickly aim the move better.

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