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Marvel Rivals Guide

Marvel Rivals Compared to Overwatch 2 (Hero Similiarities)

Updated on Feb 28, 2025
Feb 28, 2025


Anyone who has ever played or even seen Overwatch before can not help but see the strong resemblance with Marvel Rivals. From map design to combat mechanics, the resemblance is uncanny!

For all of you Overwatch players who are looking for where to start, we've got you covered on how to seamlessly transition between games based on the heroes you already know how to use.

We’ll compare hero abilities, play styles, mechanics, and functions between the current Marvel Rivals roster to the well-established cast of Overwatch. Every Marvel Rival hero can be viewed as an amalgamation of two or more Overwatch heroes.

Some similarities like Star-Lord and Tracer are so apparent they almost feel like a reskin. Other similarities are merely in singular abilities that function the same as abilities that already exist in Overwatch 2.


Captain America = Genji + Mauga + Juno

Cap’s shield, Living Legend, is a Genji Deflect rather than a simple barrier. He uses it just like Genji to deflect enemy damage and projectile ultimate abilities!

The basic flow chart for Captain America revolves around using Liberty Rush and Super-Soldier Slam to charge in and Slam onto the enemy like Mauga. Once in, he wants to keep his opponents in close range battles in order to maximize damage output also like Mauga.

Freedom charge can be used similarly to Juno’s Hyper Ring because in addition to giving himself a speed boost, it creates a trail of speed boost for all allies moving through the same path.

Hulk/ Bruce Banner = Winston + D.Va + Zarya

The Hulk gives three different battle forms available to players: puny Bruce Banner, Hulk, and Monster Hulk. He shares the combined qualities of Winston, D.Va, and Zarya. Dying as the Hulk transforms him back into puny Bruce exactly like when D.Va’s mech gets destroyed and has to run around with her pistol as pilot D.Va.

While in regular Hulk form, he can give himself and nearby allies Zarya bubbles. Just like Winston, his ult gets him angry and transforms into Monster Hulk where he has a massive health pool and knockback melee boops. Unlike Winston's jump, Hulk’s leap has a trajectory indicator and knocks airborne enemies down.

Doctor Strange = Reinhardt + Symmetra

Although he is not a melee character, Doctor Strange functions as a Vanguard similar to Reinhardt as a tank. Strange has a Rein shield he can quickly deploy at will just like Reinhardt.

The skill of taking space while managing shield health and outputting massive damage is extremely similar between these two heroes. Furthermore, Strange’s Ult is basically an AoE Shatter that stuns every enemy in the circle around him. Strange can also open a portal his team can teleport through similar to Symmetra.

Using the portal puts the user in a bird's eye view like Doomfist or Bastion ult, and can be placed anywhere on the map. A major difference between Strange and Symmettra’s TP is that everyone including the enemy team can walk and shoot through the portal.

Groot = Mei + Zarya

“I am Grooooot.” Groot has 2 different versions of walls and can place three of them at one time. He can place two smaller vine walls that damage nearby enemies similar to Hazard’s Jagged Wall. The second type, Ironwood Wall, is larger and more similar to Mei’s Ice Wall.

The best way to use Groot’s walls is exactly like Mei and Hazard use their walls. Block off enemy frontlines from their backlines to get a quick elimination on their tank. Just like both Overwatch heroes, Groot can use his walls to cut off choke points and prevent enemies from retreating.

Groot’s ult fires a vine cluster version of Zarya’s Graviton Surge and immobilizes any caught enemies. Just as grav is best when comboed with another ult, Groot enables his own version of grav-dragon when paired with other Duelist ultimates.

Magneto = Sigma + Zarya

 Floating just above the ground, midrange explosive projectile primary fire, and a deployable shield make Magneto out to be the Marvel Rivals Sigma. The basic playstyle of Magneto and Sigma are extremely similar in that they both attempt to control space through poke pressure and damage mitigation.

For his ult, Magneto flies up into the air and selects a location to strike similar to Sigma’s ult. Magneto’s shield, however, is on a long cooldown like Rammatrra and has infinite health. Metal Bulwark is Magneto’s Zarya ally bubble.

Similar to Projected Barrier building charge for Zarya, allies who take damage while in Metal Bulwark empower Magneto’s other cool-down Mag-Cannon.

Peni Parker = Mauga + Wrecking Ball + Junkrat

Peni Parker’s gameplan revolves around setting up traps and controlling specific areas on the map. She places mines and web traps on the ground which can be hidden by her other web abilities.

Junkrat players who have found creative ways to get enemies to walk into his Steel Trap should enjoy having an unlimited supply of mines. When Peni Parker ults she runs around like Mauga Overrun, booping enemies and spamming mines all over the battlefield.

Players often use her ult like Wrecking Ball Minefield to cover a choke or objective point and prevent the enemy team from being able to advance.

The Thing = Mauga + Reinhardt

If you love charging through the enemy, slamming in their face, and wreaking Havoc, Mauga and The Thing are for you. Their charges are nearly identical as neither can be stunned, booped, or displaced by the enemy while running in. Both charges also end in a slam that CC’s anyone in the AoE.

Being a melee tank with a charge and having a piercing secondary fire also makes The Thing play similar to Reinhardt. Rein and Ben use their secondary fires to damage through multiple enemies lined up behind each other.

When The Thing gets his ultimate, he slams down to inflict damage and CC on everyone in the path in front of him similar to Earth Shatter. The ult animation looks just like Venture’s ult as well, but the knock-up and stun are significantly longer.

Thor = Doomfist + Ramattra (Nemesis Form)

The God of Thunder is one of the more offense-focused Vanguards in Rivals. Thor’s strongest ability is Awakening Rune which gets used similarly to Ramattra’s Nemesis Form because Thor instantly generates bonus health and gains access to a high-damage medium ranged attack.

Mjolnir Bash is how Thor navigates the maps as he charges up his hammer to increase the distance traveled. Doomfist’s Rocket Punch also charges up to increase the distance traveled, both abilities lock the characters in a slow-moving channeling animation before launching forward, and both abilities knock back their targets.

Unlike Doomfist, Thor can use his bash to propel himself in any direction and into the air. When the ultimate charge is full, Thor flies up then slams down with a massive explosion of Thunder like how Meteor Strike does for Doom.

Venom = Wrecking Ball + Ramattra (Nemesis Form)

A dive tank that swings into enemy backlines, initiates with a slam then generates overhealth? You must be talking about Wrecking Ball! Venom’s play style is extremely similar to the play style of our hamster friend from OW2. Venom’s swing is much faster than Wrecking Ball’s but also swings on an arch and can canceled to go flying forward.

Symbiotic Resilience generates over health similar to Adaptive Shields. The main difference is Venom generates more health based on how low his current health is, whereas Wrecking Ball’s is based on the number of nearby enemies. Each character's bread and butter combo is to swing into position, slam down ( [F] Frenzied Arrival for Venom), primary fire the enemies knocked into the air, tank damage with over health generation, and then swing away to safety.

Venom’s combination of mobility and close-medium range burst damage also makes him a lot like playing Hazard. Both tanks quickly reposition, look to isolate squishy enemies, and eliminate them with a few bursts of their primary fire. Neither tank has a shield, but Venom’s ultimate is a dual survival and damage ability similar to Hazard’s Spike Guard block.


Black Panther = Doomfist + Genji

Black Panther’s primary weapons are his Vibranium Claws. Players who enjoy battling up close and personal with their enemies should give The King of Wakanda a try. Genji mains will feel right at home with Black Panther’s dash reset ability, “Sprint Rend.”

First, a player must attach a Vibranium Mark onto an enemy by hitting them with his flying kick or spear. Dashing into a Marked enemy instantly resets the ability's cooldown! Maximizing damage and evasive movement from Sprint Rend feels very similar to how Genji’s dash cooldown resets any time he confirms an elimination on an enemy with the attack.

The same way Genji can quickly slice and dash between multiple enemies during his Ult is how Black Panther can repeatedly dash attack between multiple enemies after using his ultimate to attach a Mark to all enemies in its AoE. As part of his movement kit, Black Panther can also double jump and wall climb like Genji.

Playing as Black Panther also feels similar to playing as Doomfist in that they are both melee heroes who rely on generating shield health from landing their abilities. Every time he lands Sprint Rend on a marked enemy, Black Panther also receives bonus temporary shield health that can be stacked repeatedly like Doomfist's bonus health.

Black Widow = Widow Maker

All widows are snipers. Natasha Romanoff jumps into Rivals as the first and only scoped-in sniper! Just like Widowmaker, Black Widow controls long lines of sight through her threat of critical hit burst damage. Unfortunately for Widow mains, Black Widow can't KO with a headshot unless she is being damage boosted by an ally.

Also like her OW2 counterpart, Black Widow can choose to shoot without scoping in. Unlike Widowmaker, however, her sniper retains its same single-shot bullet whether or not Natasha is ADS.

Hawkeye = Hanzo + Zen

The two archers share an abundance of similarities. Both Hawkeye and Hanzo use a bow and arrow that need to be drawn and charged for maximum damage. A sniper playstyle will be the primary use for Hawkeye, although, like Hanzo, he has extra abilities that let him be effective in close-range engagements as well. 

Hawkeye can deal much higher damage than Hanzo with a single arrow. In Marvel Rivals, the archer can oneshot all non-tank heroes whereas Hanzo is currently limited to being able to oneshot 250HP heroes. Players will need to be in range to activate Archer’s Focus and then land a critical hit in order to oneshot.

Crescent Slash functions like Zen’s kick because it's a strong, “get off me,” tool that can be used to set up easy follow-up shots against the CC’d target. Positioning for Hawkeye is essentially the same as Zen or Hanzo because he wants to abuse his superior range damage while preventing the enemies from closing in on him.

Hela = Widowmaker + Cassidy + Sojourn

The Goddess of Death is a fitting title for Hela’s feature in Marvel Rivals. Her primary fire headshots deal insane damage and two taps all 275HP heroes. Her Overwatch counterparts are Widowmaker, Cassidy, and Sojourn.

The rate of fire of her primary fire feels similar to Cassidy but with not recoil. The power and range of her primary fire feels more similar to Sojourn's Railgun alternate fire.

Hela is extremely versatile and can be played like Widowmaker, sniping from behind your team, or like Sojourn and Cassidy in mid to close range. Also like Cassidy, she has a stun. Unlike any of these OW2 comparisons, Hela also has an invincible fade escape which makes her more difficult to dive than Widowmaker.

Human Torch = Echo + Torbjörn

Echo mains will feel right at home playing Human Torch. Both heroes have similar flight mechanics and use SHIFT to boost their aerial speed. Additionally, their primary fires are a projectile with a shotgun spread. Where they really feel similar is in playstyle. Each has long-range capabilities but performs best at medium-close range where they can use their deadliest abilities.

The way Human Torch uses flames to control and deny space gives him a similar function to Torbjörn as well. These two use their offensive power, auto-damaging abilities to hold down choke points. Torb uses his turret and overdrive, and Torch uses Flames and Pryo-Prison.

They also have similar ults where fire burning flame or lava at a location to either get a kill or force enemies away. In the same Torb’s ult is crazy powerful to blast all over payload in overtime, Human Torch can shoot all of his tornadoes to take over the cart.

Iron Fist = Lucio + Doomfist

Empowered by Shou-Lao, Lin Lie uses his martial arts to defeat all who stand in his way. Quickly navigating the environment by wall riding and jumping around feels very reminiscent of skating around as Lucio. He also has a great boop ability where he kicks the enemy to launch them backward like Lucio’s Soundwave.

When Iron Fist goes in and gets met with the enemy's retaliation, he can block enemy damage and convert blocked attacks into bonus health and an empowered attack. Compared to Doomfist’s Power Block, Iron Fist converts more damage into bonus health, and also empowers his primary fire.

Iron Man = Pharah + Echo

Combine Pharah’s and Echo’s kit into one person and you basically have Iron Man. His primary fire, Repulsor Blast, is essentially Pharah’s primary fire, and his secondary fire, Unibeam, is literally Echo’s Focusing Beam.

When using Ammo Overdrive he can fire a barrage of missiles like a miniature version of Pharrah's ult.

Hyper-Velocity (SHIFT), propels Iron Man forward through the air as you’d imagine from cartoons and movies, but at a much slower speed.

His SHIFT functions more like Echo’s SHIFT except that it lasts much longer. A major difference between Iron Man and his OW2 counterparts is his ability to permanently fly.

Magik = Reinhardt + Doomfist

One day Reinhardt decided to trade in his shield to gain Doomfist abilities; He then became Magik. The Soulsword wielder has an awesome and unique design that every Rein main needs to experience.

While not a Giant Tank like Rein, Magik’s large arching sword swings are reminiscent of the way Rein swings his hammer and her right click is even a wind-up into Fire Strike.

Similar to Doomfist, however, she relies on gaining shield health from successful attacks. Umbral Incursion dash attack looks like Doom punch but ends with his OW1 uppercut.

Magik has an install ult which transforms her into Nano-Reinfist, er… I mean, the demonic Darkchild!

Mister Fantastic = Orisa + Reinhardt

If you enjoy walking right into the face of the enemy while being a great unkillable annoyance to the enemy team, Mister Fantastic is for you. The stretchy Reed Richards gameplay loop is to cycle through his crowd control and damage mitigation cooldowns to make yourself unkillable. An extremely familiar feeling will come over you if you’ve spent time playing as or fighting against Orisa.

He also has a slow lingering stretching arm swing which players flick around their crosshairs to cleave as many enemies as possible. Mister Fantastic’s primary fire, especially when in Inflated state, actually is the closest attack to Reinhardt’s swinging hammer.

Moon Knight = Echo + Hanzo

Moon Knight, the Fist of Khonshu joins the battle! His playstyle resembles Echo as both heroes play at a distance and utilize their superior mobility flank and disengage during team fights.

You can use Moonlight Hook similarly to Echo’s flight since both abilities give the heroes a sudden burst of movement and sets them up to use their glide passives and continue their aerial assault. Also like Echo, Moon Knight wants to play around his big damage cooldowns, go aggressive when they're online, and passively when they are recharging.

Hazno shares qualities with Moon Knight as well with the ability to control high ground and a high damage AoE ultimate that gets maximum value when combined with another CC stun ability.

Namor = Orisa + Torbjorn + Mei

Imagine that Orisa's Javelin throw wasn’t super annoying and didn’t stun you; that's Namor's primary and secondary fires. He also has up to three Torbjörn turrets which he throws out but Namor turrets can stick to walls.

Finally, take Mei’s Ice Block but trade out self healing for the ability to fly and move around. Now you have Namor's SHIFT ability called Blessing of the Deep. Thankfully, he can be healed by allies while in the invulnerable water block.

Psylocke = Sombra + Venture

The wandering warrior was the first hero in Rivals to feature a stealth ability like Sombra’s. Psychic Stealth grants a movement speed boost while invisible for a duration of just a few seconds.

Her primary fire is hitscan like Sombra, but instead of Virus, she has Wing Shurikens which grant bonus shield health similar to Venture’s passive when using Venture’s abilities. Psylocke also has an attack dash like Venture, and her Primary fire reduces her other abilities CDS, similar to how Burrow does with Venture.

The Punisher = Soldier: 76 + Widowmaker + Mauga + Bastion

The Punisher brings his full arsenal to the fight with four different guns at his disposal. He is the Call of Duty archetype or Marvel Rivals's Soldier: 76. The primary fire assault rifle called Adjudication has zero spread and zero recoil.

Compared to Soldier: 76, aiming and hitting shots with The Punisher is even easier. Similar to Widowmaker, he also has a grappling hook but his attaches a zipline he can ride back and forth as many times as he wants making for creative quick maneuvers mid-fight.

Press Q and Frank Castle becomes Mauga with a gun in each hand and a smile on his face. The Punisher’s double chain gun form, Final Judgement, is more like if Mauga was holding two turret form Bastion's in his hands because that is how fast he deletes enemies during the Ult.

Scarlet Witch = Moira + D.VA

Moira mains are feasting in Marvel Rivals right now. Scarlet Witch’s left click is nearly identical to Moira’s and has a large area of auto-aim attached to the targets.

She also has two charges of a Moira-style Fades which she can fly during to escape and reposition herself safely and freely. As with Moira’s suck, Scarlet Witch’s primary fire refills her secondary fire resources.

The only difference is Scarlet Witch isn’t concerned with healing her allies so her secondary fire is a ranged AoE explosive missile of magic. For her ult, she turns herself into a D.Va bomb where the player can slowly control her flight for a few seconds until she explodes and instantly kills any enemy in range.

You’ll need to treat using her ult like using Pharrah Barrage because you can be killed before detonating and are moving so slowly in the air she can easily be shut down.

Spider-Man = Genji + Doomfist + Roadhog

Spiderman has the highest skill ceiling, and being in total control of his vast movement abilities is the most important skill to possess. Genji players skill set carries over nicely to Spider-man with his wall climbs, double jumps, dash attack, and even his Web-Cluster fires like Genji’s shuriken primary fire.

Additionally, Spiderman can use his webs to pull his opponents to him like a Roadhog hook, then uppercut them into the air for followup damage like OW1 Doomfist.

The main thing Doom mains and Spidey mains have in common is memorizing map rollouts. You can't just fly face first into the enemy. Both heroes abuse their mobility to create sneaky surprise attack angles and traverse that map quicker than anyone else.

Squirrel Girl = Junkrat

This one is pretty on the nose. Squirrel Girl's primary fire lobs a projectile that bounces off walls like a Junkrat Frag Launcher. Her secondary fire chucks a large slow moving projectile which traps a hit enemy in place as if they were caught in Junkrat’s Steel Trap.

Instead of launching out an explosive tire, Squirrel Girl sends out a squirell stampede into a group of enemies. Both ultimate are best used from off angles and positions that catch the enemy team by surprise since both ults can easily be destroyed if the enemy sees it coming.

Star-Lord = Tracer + Reaper + Soldier: 76

Star-Lord and Tracer are practically 1:1 clones of each other. He literally dual-wields fast-firing pistols and blinks around the map. Instead of recall, Star-Lord has a mini Reaper Death Blossom ult on cooldown, which exactly like Death Blossom auto-fires at every nearby enemy.

When he ults Peter Quill flies up like Illari ult and uses the Soldier: 76 Tac Visor from the air. Players who enjoy Tracer's flank and assassinate playstyle, 100% should be picking up Star-Lord as he is essentially a more aggressive version of Tracer.

Storm = Echo + Pharah + Lucio

Storm flies through the air while launching wind blades at her enemies. As a flying damage-based hero, she shares her play style with Echo and Pharah. The lack of burst movement in the air makes her flight mechanics feel more like when you briefly fly as Illari during her ult.

Two different separate damage and speed boosts are available to Storm. One cool down boosts her allies and a separate cool down gives the boosts to herself. Just like Lucio, her ally speed boost effect is an AoE aura whose range is visually indicated on the screen in a circle around her.

Winter Soldier = Roadhog + Doomfist

Bucky controls the pace of a fight with his Bionic Hook that pulls enemies to him like a Roadhog Chain Hook. If you’re already used to hook & turn with Hog, you’ll feel right at home since Bucky can also turn to pull the enemy to his side or around a corner. He also has a low ammo gun that fires explosive projectiles like Hog and shines at close range.

When using his ultimate, Kraken Impact, Winter Soldier gets his slam instantly reset if the targeted enemy dies from or just after being hit by the ult. Getting a team wipe by dashing from one enemy to the next will give your enemies Dragon Blade PTSD if they’ve ever been wiped by Genji’s ultimate.


Adam Warlock = Mercy and Zenyatta

Adam Warlock’s Ultimate is literally Mercy’s team rez from the early days of OW1. Karmic Revival, however, can additionally rez allies who die at any point during its 10-second duration, but all revived allies come back with roughly 30% of max health.

When his Team-Up ability with Star-Lord or Mantis is activated, they can instantly get rez’d at the position of their choosing. Also, his main healing ability, Avatar Life Stream, can be thought of as a mini version of Mercy Valkyrie healing. The same way Valkyrie healing chains to multiple allies and gives Mercy self-healing, Warlock targets one ally with Avatar Life Stream and that healing chains to nearby teammates while also giving healing to himself.

With his healing resources having only limited availability, Warlock spends most of his time focusing on dealing damage. Much like Zenyatta, he has two types of projectile attacks. His primary fire is a single fire hitscan and his secondary fire channels like Zen to unleash a burst of shots all at once.

Both heroes are great choices for times when a Strategist / Support player feels they need to pick up the slack for their DPS.

Invisible Woman = Sombra + Brigitte

Turning invisible will no doubt remind every person coming from Overwatch 2 of Sombra. The current iteration of Sombra makes her even more similar than ever to Invisible Woman since throwing a translocator to invisibility gets used very similarly to Sue Storm’s double jump into invisibility.

If her team can survive for a bit without her healing, she can go on invisible flanks and look for assassinations on the enemy backline like Sombra as well.

Brigitte's role as a Support is the most similar to Invisible Woman as she uses her Force Physics push/pull similar to Brig’s Whipshot to keep herself and her fellow Strategist protected from dives and flanks.

Jeff The Land Shark = Moira + Ana

The ferociously mischievous shark is one of the more unique characters of Marvel Rivals. His ability to dive underground with Hide and Seek may appear similar to Venture’s Burrow but the two function very differently. Jeff’s dorsal fin remains above ground and can be damaged whereas Burrow makes Venture invulnerable.

For healing abilities, Joyful Splash works like Moira’s Biotic Grasp heal, in that each function as an AoE healing spray. To maximize Jeff's potential, a player must be able to make both offensive and defensive plays. Like Moira, Jeff can survive all on his own behind enemy lines.

The Land Shark also gives out Healing Bubbles that simultaneously heal allies and amplifies the healing received from all other sources just like Ana’s Biotic Nade.

Loki = Ana + Baptiste + Sombra

The god of mischief provides high damage and good healing for his team. Like Ana’s unscoped primary fire, Loki’s staff shoots out projectiles that both damage enemies and heal allies. Both the healing and damage projectiles explode on impact dealing additional healing/damage in the AoE similar to Baptiste’s healing projectile. Loki’s ult is Echo Copy with the additional option to copy his own allies!

The moment Loki becomes another hero he immediately has ult ready, so he doesn’t have to build it like Echo. If Loki is killed during his ult, however, he dies for real rather than becoming Loki again.

An Immortality Field-like ability called Regeneration Domain not only prevents death but also converts damage to healing. Loki can also put three fields out as opposed to Bap's single field.

The final hero Loki resembles is Sombra since he too can turn invisible to escape and freely run around the enemy team unseen.

Luna Snow = Kiriko + Zenyatta

Playing as Luna Snow feels an awful lot like playing Kiriko. Both output incredible amounts of healing and Luna’s Dark Ice primary fire has a similar rate of fire to Kiri's. Luna doesn’t possess an auto-aim heal like Kiri, instead, the same shot both heals and damages.

Zenyatta also shares some qualities of Luna’s kit. Share The Stage is Luna’s version of Zen’s healing orb which attaches to an ally and heals them as she heals anyone with her primary fire heal. Better than Zen's orb, Luna's has infinite range once attached to an ally.

Last but certainly not least, Luna’s ult rapidly heals all allies in an AoE just like Zen’s Transcendence. Her ult is super powerful, and if the team doesn’t need the healing, Luna can switch to a damage boost trans instead.

Mantis = Mercy + Brigitte + Kiriko

For players who like to focus on enabling their teammates instead of trying to be a solo playmaker, Mantis is an excellent choice. She provides both healing and damage boost to allies, which makes her function in any team comp very similar to Mercy.

Soul Resurgence gives Mantis Brigitte’s Rally in the sense that she provides overhealth, healing over time, and speed boost for the duration of the ult. Armor packs healing is also similar to Mantis as each is a one time apply passive healing that doesn't require a prolonged amount of time to be directed towards healing the ally.

Players who use Mantis have to be aware of resource management since her Life Orbs, which allow Mantis to heal and damage boost, run out but are instantly restocked by landing headshots. Therefore, the ability to consistently land critical hits is a crucial component of Mantis’ kit just as it is with Kiriko.

Rocket Raccoon = Baptiste + Mercy

Rocket Raccoon could be understood at the Baptiste of Marvel Rivals. He has great damage from his primary fire, but its a projectile instead of hitscan like Bap.

Additionally, he shoots AoE healing orbs with secondary fire Repair Mode like Baptiste, except his orbs continue to bounce around the map like a Moira heal orb.

The strongest tool in the Raccoon's arsenal has to be the B.R.B. (Battle Rebirth Beacon) which instantly Mercy resurrects a fallen ally at its location.

Have you been missing Orisa’s Bongo from OW1? Now you can once again enjoy giving your entire team a huge damage boost as Rocket throws out his ult, C.Y.M. with almost identical properties as Orsia’s old Bongo. Both require LoS and attach a beam of damage boost to all teammates within range.

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