
Echidna Gate 1 Boss Guide



Welcome to the Echidna Gate 1 guide.

Thank you to ATK for providing the video footage, make sure to check out his video guide below!

Full Video Guide

Recommended battle items

Universal Mechanics


The boss will target a player with a cone attack, if this attack hits a soldier it will absorb its power.


The boss will be surrounded by a wave of green smoke moving inwards.

Stand in-between the wave and the soldiers to avoid the boss abosrbing their power.


The boss disappears and spawns 4 clones.

One of the clones will be counterable.

Major Mechanics

x180 Raid Intro

Run past the mobs to get to the boss, then kill the shamans on both sides of the boss.

  • Killing the shamans will remove the boss' shield, these shamans are connected to the boss (they are easy to recognise).
  • Each party should kill its respective shaman.

Damage the boss to push it down to x160, where the boss escapes and a timer commences.

  • You need to chase the boss, jump onto the next stage by going to the yellow circle shown in the minimap.

Clear the mobs and progress through the next stage until you reach a dragon which you must slay.

  • Generally stay behind him to dodge his breath attacks.

After slaying the dragon, progress to the next stage as done before. Then, quickly stagger the boss.

  • The timer stops when you finish the stagger, so you must stagger the boss before it runs out.

x135 Line Dimensions

Parties are split into separate dimensions, with either horizontal or vertical lines.

Normal Mode:

  • The safe spot is simply the odd colour line for your dimension.
  • For example, if all lines are black except one red line, the red line is the safe spot.

Hard Mode:

  • The safe spot is the intersection of the odd colour lines of both dimensions.
  • For example, if all lines are black except one red line, the red line shows the vertical or horizontal safe spot. Players must move to the spot where it's both vertically and horizontally safe.

The odd colour line will be flowing/pointing to a certain direction, indicating where the boss will be to co-op counter.

Normal Mode:

  • Move to the clock position where your dimension's odd colour line is flowing/pointing to, and counter the boss (x2 counters required).
  • For example, if the odd colour line is flowing up, move to 12 o'clock to counter the boss.

Hard Mode:

  • Move to the clock position where the other dimension's odd colour line is flowing/pointing to, and counter the boss (x2 counters required).
  • For example, if the other group calls that their odd colour line was flowing up, move to 12 o'clock to counter the boss. Make sure to communicate where your dimension's line is flowing.

x105 Mobs

Dialogue appears and mobs will spawn, if the mobs aren't killed they will deal great damage and slow you.

  • Notice that larger mobs will have a special icon on the minimap, they can help you tell if the mobs are inside the battlefield.

In order to kill the mobs, use Sidereal Avele.

  • Use the first Avele when Armen's dialogue appears.
  • Use the second Avele when all of the mobs have entered the battlefield.

x90-50 Split

There are two different encounters in this phase, both ending when a boss reaches x50.

Agris Party

The Agris Party should ensure that they have a .

A cutscene will appear, players should jump to the other platform by pressing G at 5 o'clock.

As soon as you land on the other platform you should focus on staggering the boss.

Darkiel Party

The Darkiel Party should ensure that they have a .

Make sure to pay attention to the notable mechanic callouts.

Callout Mechanic

Agris teleports to the center and spins her fans either clockwise or anti-clockwise then throw them vertically or horizontally.

Depending on the combination, there will be different safe zone for the Darkiel Party:

  • Clockwise is always center safe.
    • The safe zone extends as a line to its respective direction, i.e. horizontal will mean the safe zone is a horizontal line across the cetner.
  • Anti-clockwise is the inverse, it is never center safe. Instead, it's safe in the corners: 1, 5, 7, 11 o'clock positions.

x50 Urn


  • Agris will disappear and an urn will appear in the middle surrounded by red fog.
  • Mobs will then spawn, upon killing them the urn will glow either red or black.
  • Tell the Darkiel Party what colour the urn glows.
  • Stagger Agris, then leave the platform by pressing G at 7 o'clock.


  • (Hard Mode) Darkiel will surround himself with purple smoke, indicating that he's reflecting damage.
  • A player will get tethered and receive stacks which slow, upon reaching x10 stacks you will get stunned.
    • Periodically switch tethered target to avoid the stun.
  • Destroy the correct coloured urn (called out by the Agris Party).

Following Agris getting staggered, Darkiel will commence a DPS check.

  • Use Sidereal Avele since it deals bonus damage to shields, use both main and sub attack.

x50-0 Final Phase

This is the final push, just drop the boss' HP down to 0.

Hard Mode has an additional mechanic:

  • An urn will periodically appear at 12 o'clock, players can press G to take it, otherwise it will explode.
  • Players will have increasing stacks, upon reaching x100 stacks the boss will stun you, kill you, and absorb the pools.
    • Players should return the debuff before reaching x100.
  • Interacting with the urn has a cooldown of 1 minute shown on the buff bar. Interacting before that minute has passed will kill you.


Red magic circles will appear under your feet, make sure to place them away.

One of the normal patterns, where the boss levitates and cast multiple small pools beneath you, getting hit by this will create a pool.

Co-op Counter

A blood ball is created in front of the boss that explodes, followed by 4 rounds of blood balls dropping at player positions.

Dodge these and immediately head towards the boss to co-op counter him.

Notable Mechanics

Magic Circle Counter

The boss will cast a magic circle attack then swing his sword 3 times. The last swing is counterable.

Spin Counter

The boss will perform a spin attack, much like Garen from League. This is followed by a jumping slash which is counterable. This is not counterable in the Final Phase.

Be careful, there if the boss spins twice, then starts spinning again. This is not a counter.


The boss will sharpen its sword, then slam down grabbing a player. A player getting grabbed provides a DPS window.

If no one gets grabbed the boss will follow up with a 360 grab shown by a yellow indicator, this does a lot of damage.

Vykas Orbs

Blood balls will drop on players, orbs will then follow players.

If these orbs hit then it will create an inside safe explosion like in Vykas.

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