
Kayangel Gate 1 Boss Guide



Kayangel doesn't have as many mechanics as Legion Raids, though from this point onwards it will demand higher DPS uptime, better ability to dodge normal patterns and aggro control.

This raid provides the materials needed to level up your gear set bonus to 3, and upgrade to an ancient level ability stone - which provides great HP gain.

Watch ATK’s video guide below for a video breakdown of the fight with some extra tips and tricks at the end.

Full Video Guide

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Cheat Sheet

Kayangel guide cheat sheet

Universal Mechanics

Eye Light Pool Drop

What happens
  • Gold eye icon will appear on top of a random player’s head.
  • After the timer above your mana bar reaches 0, a different light pool will appear depending on the boss’ HP.
    • Before the x55 mechanic, the pools give you an attack buff.
    • After the x55 mechanic, the pools turn into a lightning field that stuns.
    • After x33 lines, it will also turn into a growing explosion.
What to do

If you have the golden eye, place the pool in an appropriate position based on the boss’ HP:

  • Before x55, place the pool on your party/near the boss is to grant your party an attack buff.
  • After x55, place any pools in the corner of the map.

Major Mechanics

x55 Lightning Pillars

What happens
  • Dialogue starts and Tien jumps to the middle of the battlefield.
  • Tien breaks the edge of the battlefield, turning the circular battlefield into a square.
    • You are now able to fall off the battlefield.
  • Tien throws his weapon and comes down at the 6 o’clock position.
  • A gust of wind will spawn, pulling you downwards.
  • 8 waves of lightning pillars will spawn.
  • Tien will throws his weapon 4 times at random players, indicated by the red indicator above the players’ head.
What to do
  • Don’t stay at 6 o’clock at the start of the mechanic.
  • Don’t stay near the bottom of the battlefield because the gust of wind will pull you down.
  • Dodge the lightning pillars.
  • Cleanse any party members that get hit by the lightning.
  • If you have a red mark, wait for it to disappear and immediately dodge (easiest with spacebar).

Notable Mechanics

Blue Whirlwind

Tien will backflip twice and spin his sword with a blue effect.

If he spins his sword on top of his head, it's a reflect explosion that activates upon stagger. Activating this attack knocks nearby players out, sometimes enough for fall death.

If he spins his sword in front of him, a stagger check will commence. Attacking his front will reflect damage, much like the stagger check in Kakul Saydon. He will then perform a spinning kick.

If Tien spins his sword on top of his head, don't stagger him.

If Tien spins his sword in front of him then stagger behind him or to his sides, any damage dealt in front of him will get reflected Then dodge his spinning kick.

Clockwise Slashing

Tien will charge up then vertically (in front and behind) slash, he will continue slashing moving in a clockwise direction.

Move clockwise with his attacks to dode them.

Supports and Gunlancers can use their awakening to make it easier to DPS during this mechanic.

Classes with a taunt can use the taunt to avoid this mechanic, this will be the highest priority taunt.

Outside Inside 270 Slash

Tien will dash and begin to charge an attack, indicated by red indicators. He will have an outside safe attack into an inside safe attack. This will be followed up by a 270 slash.

The 270 degree slash does a lot of damage and can knock you out.

Remember that the 270 slash is coming after the outside inside safe attacks. Stay close to the boss so it is easier to dodge this attack.

This pattern is not tauntable.

Sword Throws to Smash

Tien will throw his sword up to 4 times in white effects.

He will then jump at a player (outside safe) then a blast appears around it (inside safe), much like in Argos.

Save your spacebar or push immune skills when Tien starts throwing his swords. When he jumps make sure to be able to get inside after the smash.

Gunlancers can use their awakening to avoid knockbacks.

Counter Mechanics

Whirlwind Counter

Tien will stand still and put his sword on his back, he will then glow blue and become counterable.

Missing the counter will cause his to execute his whirlwind attack.

Normal Mechanics

Charge Grab

Tien will charge up and his sword glows red, then dash 2 times to grab a player.

If you get grabbed, he will start pummelling the player in place.

If Tien charges up and glows red, dodge his dashes, if someone gets caught then behind is safe.

Supports or Gunlancers may want to get grabbed on purpose after using their skills so the boss remains stationary during his pummel attack.

Two Slashes Grab

This is a charge grab variant.

Instead of charging his sword, Tien will slash twice and then dash for the grab.

It will have the same voice effects as the charge grab.

Don't follow him too closely as you may get grabbed.

Two Slashes

These two slashes are marked red.

Stay behind Tien during the attack to DPS safely.

Classes with a taunt can use the taunt here to keep Tien in place.

Slash to Shoulder Charge

Tien will slash the ground then shoulder charge to another player.

Classes with a taunt can use the taunt here to keep Tien in place.

Charge to Berserker Fury

Tien will charge his sword for a long time with a white aura around him. He will then teleport to the initially aggro'd player and slash his sword.

If you see Tien charging this attack, save space to dodge as soon as he teleports.

Supports may want to use damage reduction skills here.


TIen stands still and pizza red indicators will appear.

Brandish of Slashes

Tien will stand still and start slashing, this can then be followed up by more slashes.

He will then teleport/dash and cast again.

Use this mechanic as an opportunity to DPS while he is stationary, make sure you remember that he will teleport/dash after so don't miss your skills.

Classes with a taunt can use the taunt when the pattern is about to end to extend the pattern and keep him still for longer.

180 Degree Slash

Tien will charge up and slash at 180 degrees, the red indicator is very slow to charge up.

Sword Flip to Stab

Tien will flip his sword around, then stab the aggro'd player. He will then charge and glow white to dash to an aggro'd player.

Classes with a taunt can use the taunt when Tien is charging to cancel his dash.

Airslash to Outside Inside

Tien will jump up and throw sword blasts at the floor in front of him. He will then land and perform an inside safe, outside safe blast.

Be careful not to get knocked out by this attack.

Sword Meteor

Tien will fly high in the air and spawn various swords from above. You cannot attack him during this pattern.

Make sure to dodge these swords as they may cause you to get knocked out.

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