Zyra·Mid Counters
Win rate | 46.1% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 3.0% |
Matches | 469- |
Zyra matchups
Zyra counter tips
Overall Average
Twisted Fate
Laning Against Zyra
Avoid standing in the minion wave at all times as it will allow Zyra to poke and push the minion wave at the same time.
Harass Zyra when there are no seeds W around her. This will make it much harder for her to trade back with you.
At level 6, Zyra’s kill pressure increases tremendously. Respect her kill pressure at this stage of the game.
Strategy VS Zyra
Lookout for ambushes by Zyra. One of Zyra’s biggest strengths is her pick potential. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone.
Avoid fighting around the jungle or near objectives as teams will be quite close together which could allow her to land a multi-person E and Ultimate R.
Poke and strong all-in are really good versus Zyra. Don’t be afraid to hard engage or poke her down prior to a team figh
Zyra Power Spikes
Zyra is strong at level 3 as she has access to both her Q and E. Expect her to dish out a lot of damage in a trade.
Once Zyra hits level 6 and unlocks her Ultimate R, her kill pressure increases dramatically and she can one-shot the squishiest of champions.
After Zyra has completed Liandry’s, her damage output intensifies. Watch out for her poke damage in lane.