Zeri·Mid Guide
Win rate | 45.8% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 0.3% |
Matches | 1 553- |
Good versus team compositions with lots of shields.
Her E allows her to escape sticky situations and get away from ganks easily.
Zeri’s versatile. She can either go AP or AD depending on her team’s needs.
Unique mechanic with her Q and basic attacks. This can be hard to master.
She is pretty weak from behind, but then again so are many other champions. If you get a good early lead, you can easily snowball though.
Her E is her only movement spell, and it has a really long cooldown compared to other champions who are played in the same lane.
0 - 15 min
Just play safe and focus on using your charged attacks and Q to poke the enemy out. Ward around the lane for extra precaution.
Use your E with extreme discretion in this matchup. It can save you from ganks if you manage to hug the terrain while pushing. Be careful though as it can give a lot of incentive to mid-laners with skillshots.
On getting your Ultimate R, you should be able to dictate the pace of crucial neutral objective fights. Just make sure that you don't go too deep.
15 - 25 min
Ensure that you have mid-priority at all times in this game. It will let you rotate and help your teammates very easily.
Your charged attacks are your bread and butter in this matchup. Always try to clear the wave with your Q while you save your auto-attack for the enemy.
Since you are so mobile, you may feel that you can chase enemies down. Try not to do so without any form of Ability Haste, as your E has a massive cooldown early on.
25+ min
Being a part of fights is mandatory during this phase of the game. Make sure that you use your E with care as failing to do so can cause you a world of pain.
Your Ultimate R will be uber powerful during this phase of the game. The goal is to make sure that you can target as many people with the Ultimate R burst and then increase the distance with your E.
Get a defensive item during this phase of the game if the enemy team has a lot of assassins and tanks. You will want to use your Q regularly to win fights.
Zeri’s first power spike is at level 3 when she unlocks each of her basic abilities. She will be relatively strong at level 3.
Her next power spike will generally be once she unlocks her first component item as it allows her to go for more favourable trades with the enemy laner.
At level 6, Zeri will unlock her Ultimate R. This is a good spike for Zeri and it will allow her to win all-ins even in the hardest of matchups.
Her level 11 power spike is pretty strong. 2 points in her Ultimate R offer Zeri a lot of additional kill pressure.
During the mid-game, Zeri would’ve picked up several items. She will deal a lot of damage in fights and be able to solo carry them if she is ahead at this stage of the game.
At level 9, Zeri will max out her Q ability. As she uses this ability the most, her “autos” will deal a lot of damage.
At level 16, Zeri will put the final point in her Ultimate R. Her Ultimate R will now deal maximum damage in fights.
Team fights are really where she shines. Depending on her build, she will be really strong and can deal a ton of damage in a fight.
In the late game, she should be near full build. As long as she positions well and kites, she will be very good in team fights.