Yasuo·Mid Guide
Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 8.3% |
Ban rate | 19.8% |
Matches | 249 123- |
Very strong when the enemy is pushed up and a new minion wave is approaching. This allows him to use his E to catch up to his enemy laner and then knock them up with his Q. Yasuo can quite easily set up ganks with this tactic as well.
Playing around the W can allow him to completely dismantle ranged enemy matchups. He can run around the windwall and save himself from a lot of damage this way. Agaisnt melee champions, it is always wise to back off and maintain some distance from them.
Post-six, he becomes extremely strong due to his Ultimate R crowd control as well the bonus armor penetration he gets upon using it. Combined with his item powerspikes, it makes him a force to be reckoned with, even if he is behind in lane.
Improper usage of his W can get him killed in the lane. This is especially true against ranged matchups. The alternative is to back off, which allows the enemy to just zone Yasuo off the wave.
Very vulnerable to crowd control as it prevents him from casting his E for a while. He can’t cast E on the same target twice, so he can easily be caught out.
Although a power house, he is very squishy and can easily be burst down if he happens to mis-step. This can happen quite a lot if he is pushing the sidelanes, and overextends.
0 - 15 min
After your bot lane has rotated to the mid lane, move to the side lane and start farming and gaining XP there. You can look to 1v1 any enemy who tries to stop you.
Look for frequent trades with the enemy throughout the laning phase. Getting an early kill could snowball the lane heavily in your favour.
Once you’re level 6, look to play more aggressive. Your Ultimate R is a great skirmishing tool and you can get early kills with it.
15 - 25 min
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast.
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP.
As you’re good at getting picks and killing isolated targets, try to ambush and assassinate enemies who are alone or walking around Summoners Rift alone. After killing someone, make the call for a nearby objective.
25+ min
In the late game, look for picks on immobile or miss positioned enemies. Taking someone down in the late game can give you enough time to force a fight, siege an objective or take the Baron or Elder Dragon.
If the enemy is grouping, look to group with your team too. In team fights, continue to focus the squishiest and easiest to kill high priority targets in the backline.
Flank in team fights to make getting on the enemy backline easily. Make sure you’re near your team at all times so you can get in the fight fast, especially allies with knockups.
Yasuo gets a huge power spike at level 6. He can now focus on poking the enemy with his Q tornado and then use his Ultimate R to finish the low health target off. The lane brushes should help significantly when it comes to landing this ability.
Yasuo will gain a small spike whenever he puts an additional point in his Q. It improves his Q poke damage, which allows him to look for all-ins once he hits level 6. The best time to go for an all-in is when the enemy's primary form of CC is down.
Once Yasuo gets his first item component, he will get a significant boost in his dueling potential. This means that he can easily catch up to and kill any over-extended or immobile target. He can also help his Jungler during ganks with his E dash and Q knockup.
Once Yasuo hits level 11, his Ultimate R will have two points in it. This will allow him to deal more damage and will also let him deal with tanks more efficiently as the game goes on.
At level 9, Yasuo will have maxed out his Q. This is an excellent power spike for Yasuo as his damage output increases massively and his Q tornado poke increases drastically. The lane brushes will help you a lot with this as well.
His mid-game power spike is dependent on his team comp as well. Yasuo will be able to do a lot more in the game with ease if Yasuo's team has a form of knockup on any of their champions. Having a Jungler or roaming mid-laner with a knockup will make Yasuo's laning phase very easy.
Yasuo becomes really powerful once he hits level 16. This means that his Ultimate R will deal massive amounts of damage in a brief time. Moreso, the short cooldown will allow Yasuo to deal with tanks regularly.
Yasuo will have a bunch of completed items during this phase of the game. This means that Yasuo will decimate the enemy due to his Passive and Q damage. He can pretty much one-shot squishies with ease.
Due to all his completed items, and his ability to quickly dash around and pierce through the tanks' armors, Yasuo will be able to deal a plethora of damage in a short time. The enemy team might as well FF at this point if Yasuo manages to get ahead.