Vladimir·Mid Counters
Win rate | 49.2% |
Pick rate | 3.2% |
Ban rate | 10.7% |
Matches | 29 962- |
Vladimir matchups
Vladimir counter tips
Overall Average
Aurelion Sol
Laning Against Vladimir
Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown.
Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you.
When playing as an AD champion, try to get an Executioner’s Calling. This will reduce his healing and sustain in lane.
Strategy VS Vladimir
Try not to group too closely as it will allow Vladimir to get a good Ultimate R off. By splitting up slightly, Vladimir will have to use his Ultimate R on fewer targets.
Expect Vladimir to flank from the side in team fights. Ward your flanks so you spot him before he is able to get on top of your team.
If you haven’t already, you need healing reduction on your carries to reduce his healing and sustain in the team fight.
Vladimir Power Spikes
Vladimir is at his weakest in the early game. Try your hardest to put him behind to make him less obnoxious in the mid and late game.
At level 9, Vladimir would’ve maxed Q. It has a short cooldown and deals a lot of damage. Avoid letting him use it on you too much.
Vladimir is really good in the late game and in team fights. Try to end the game as quickly as you can so he is unable to spike.