
Viktor·Mid Guide

Glorious EvolutionP
Siphon PowerQ
Gravity FieldW
Death RayE
Chaos StormR
Win rate50.9%
Pick rate3.3%
Ban rate1.0%
Matches33 640-
Viktor Mid has a 50.9% win rate and 3.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Viktor Mid, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Viktor Mid guide!
Viktor Top
Viktor Jungle
Viktor Mid
Viktor Bot
Viktor Support
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Viktor Strengths & Weaknesses

Very efficient wave clear which also allows him to damage multiple enemies at the same time. This gives him an innate advantage against ranged matchups, as well as lane priority in general.

Can disrupt an entire fight with his Gravity FieldW and Ultimate Chaos StormR, so fighting in close spaces is very advantageous for him. He can also chase a single target down with some fancy footwork, by using his Siphon PowerQ.

His poke damage is obnoxious and very strong. This can allow him to force his enemy laner out of the lane and then take objectives with a numbers advantage. In the bot lane, he can use the lane brushes for an added effect of obscurity from enemy laners.


His Gravity FieldW is the only form of self-peel for him. Once that ability is down, he is quite vulnerable to ganks. In team fights, he can be flanked with ease as well.

He will be trying to play safe during the early game and will not have a lot of damage if he can’t upgrade his Passive Core. Playing aggressively and forcing him out of the lane early on can allow his enemy to get a huge advantage on him.

Very prone to all-ins, especially in the bot lane when against a hard crowd control Support. He has some form of movement speed buff with his Siphon PowerQ but layered crowd control can easily counter that.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Viktor is Average

Focus on farming and getting as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you’re able to come online and deal damage.

Your champion is incredibly weak in the early game. Focus on farming and avoid fighting with the enemy until you’ve got an item behind you.

After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Do not fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Viktor is Average

If your allies move to your lane after destroying their tower, rotate and move around the map to continue farming and gaining XP and gold.

Use your abilities to clear the minion waves quickly so your team can siege/ prevent a siege from the enemy team. If you can land poke while also pushing the minion wave, you could look for a favourable trade.

While sieging Baron or Dragon, or whenever you’re pushing the enemy under their tower, look for a pick with your abilities. If you can catch someone out of position or blow them up, you’ll be able to take the objective for free.

Late game
25+ min
Viktor is Strong

Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.

Look for picks with your abilities. Picking someone off and then collapsing on them to take them down is a great way of winning a team fight and ending the game. Look for picks on isolated targets if possible.

Keep a constant eye on you and your allies positioning. You need to poke the enemy down and delay fights in the late game, but you need to watch your positioning as you move forward to harass. Do not get picked off by trying to harass and poke the enemy down.

How to Play Viktor
How to Play Viktor
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

His early game is terrible, and he should avoid fighting for more extended periods during this game phase. Focus on scaling up and farming.

Level six is a decent power spike as it allows Viktor to develop a decent amount of kill pressure in the lane. It will allow him to impact fights quite easily as well.

The first item component will give him both mana as well as wave clearing potential. This will prevent the enemy laner from roaming around freely.

Mid game15 - 25 min

By this time, he will have his first significant ability upgraded. This allows him to garner much team fight pressure, and now he can take regular fights.

Another point in his Ultimate Chaos StormR will allow him to dish out a lot of consistent DPS and use the ability quite frequently.

At level 9, his Death RayE will be maxed out. This will let him clear waves in a jiffy and deal tons of damage to targets hit by it.

Late game25+ min

All of his abilities will be upgraded during this phase of the game, making him uber-powerful. His abilities will hit like a truck from now on.

Multiple items will further let him deal more damage to enemies, especially those who clump up together during team fights.

A fully maxed out Ultimate Chaos StormR will hurt the enemy team massively. Any kind of fight around chokepoints will automatically make Viktor the winner.

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