Tryndamere·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 45.3% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 2.4% |
Matches | 2 008- |
Tryndamere matchups
Tryndamere counter tips
Overall Average
Xin Zhao
Laning Against Tryndamere
Tryndamere will look to split push during the mid-game and he’ll rarely join team fights. You can use the numbers advantage to force objectives or look for favourable fights to gain an advantage.
If Tryndamere is split pushing in the bottom side in the mid-game, avoid sending lots of people to stop him when Baron’s up. It will take you some time to kill him even if you commit 5 champions to kill him which could give his team lots of time to take the Baron.
Try to fight when Tryndamere doesn’t have his Ultimate up. This will make it incredibly difficult for him to dish out lots of damage in a team fight.
Strategy VS Tryndamere
Pick fights when Tryndamere is nowhere near his team. This will make it easier for your team to win the game and secure objectives.
If Tryndamere engages in a team fight, lock him down with CC and blow him up before he has a chance to activate his Ultimate R.
His pick potential is actually pretty good. Avoid walking around Summoners Rift alone if you’re squishy as you’ll be an easy target for him.
Tryndamere Power Spikes
Tryndamere is good at level 6 as his Ultimate R offers him additional protection in skirmishes.
He is a good split pusher in the mid and late game. Make sure someone contests his push throughout all stages of the game.
At level 9, Tryndamere would’ve maxed his first ability. His skirmishing power at this stage will be much stronger and it will be deadly to fight him alone.