Trundle·Top Counters

Win rate | 49.8% |
Pick rate | 1.6% |
Ban rate | 0.4% |
Matches | 11 506- |

Trundle matchups
Trundle counter tips
Overall Average











Tahm Kench


Dr. Mundo



Laning Against Trundle
Stand in the middle of the lane rather at the sides of the lane. If you stand around the edges near the wall, you are allowing him to set up his Jungler with a quick and easy Pillar E.
As Trundle’s Passive regenerates health every time a minion dies, he will get a lot of extra sustain in lane. Try to get an early Executioner’s Calling to reduce his healing.
Trundle is good at level 2 and 3. Avoid fighting him unless you’re as strong as him, or if you have lots of sustain too. He will be able to out sustain you from every trade if you commit to them early on.
Strategy VS Trundle
When Trundle activates his Subjugate R, back away immediately. He will become much tankier and your tanks will be weak. Re-engage when his Subjugate
R has cooled off.
As Trundle will be split pushing a lot in the later stages of the game, try to team fight when he is not able to be there. If you spot him isolated and away from his team, try and force a team fight with his allies.
As soon as Trundle engages in a team fight, try to lock him down with CC. While he is a tank, he is very vulnerable to hard crowd control.
Trundle Power Spikes
Trundle is a duelist and will look to trade early. At levels 2 and 3, he may look for an all in if you’re low enough. Play cautiously when low and do not overextend if he has his Pillar E.
If you are a tank, Trundles level 6 all-in can be deadly as it reduces your defensive stats to a crisp. When trading, be careful around the level 6 mark as he may look for an all-in.
Depending on what build path the Trundle has gone for, he will peak at different times. Keep this in mind and always look to see what item’s he has purchased and play accordingly.