Teemo·Support Counters
Win rate | 39.4% |
Pick rate | 0.4% |
Ban rate | 9.5% |
Matches | 94- |
Teemo matchups
Teemo counter tips
Laning Against Teemo
Teemo will place Shrooms around the edges of the lane. Avoid walking to the side of the lane and only walk the path your minions take to reduce the damage taken.
Focusing Teemo down is a great way of winning this matchup. He is super squishy and easy to kill if you play around his .
Playing around his is very important. If you don’t, he is going to outtrade you every time. Bait it out and then play aggressive while it’s down.
Strategy VS Teemo
Teemo will place tons of Mushrooms around objectives and in high traffic areas. Make sure you buy Control Wards and avoid obvious paths around the map.
Teemo is really squishy, so if you can catch him out as he goes to ward, you will increase your chances of winning the fight.
Focus him down first! While Teemo is “Support” he is still going to be a really strong threat in team fights.
Teemo Power Spikes
Teemo is going to be annoying to deal with in the early game. Just be patient and watch your positioning.
At level 6, Teemo’s going to be planting tons of Mushrooms around your lane. Watch him at all times, and obviously stay away from them.
At level 11, Teemo will once again peak as he will have access to more Mushrooms . At this stage of the game, he will have also be placing them all around Summoners Rift.