
Win rate | 48.4% |
Pick rate | 2.2% |
Ban rate | 1.4% |
Matches | 18 169- |

Press your Q and then instantly flash towards your enemy. Then follow with your E, W, R and E combo to lock them down. Finish off with an AA and then the second part of your R.

Use your Flash and E your enemy then W and R. Then AA, Q, AA, AA and R again to finish.

Press your R then E, W and E again to lock your enemy down. Then AA, Q, AA and finally press your R again to end the combo.

Press your W, E R, E and Q to start off a big all in on your opponent. Then auto attack a few times before using the second part of your R, another AA and a Q to finish.

Use your Q, E, W, E combo to burst and lock down your enemy, then AA a few times before finishing with another Q.

Use your E, W and E again. Then Q and AA to finish a short and sweet combo.

Use your W then E and E again. Finish with a Q and AA.