
Win rate | 50.7% |
Pick rate | 4.2% |
Ban rate | 0.7% |
Matches | 49 949- |
Sivir Bot has a 50.7% win rate and 4.2% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find thorough guides with videos on every available Sivir combo. Learn, improve, and step up your Sivir gameplay with Mobalytics!

R then Q your target at max range so you double hit the damage. Flash right before the Q lands and instantly AA W, then continue auto attacking.
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AA then instantly W Q, AA and Flash to reposition so the Q hits your target on the way back. Continue to AA.
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In longer trades AA then instantly W, AA again then Q instantly followed by more AA's.
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For a quicker trade AA then instantly W to reset your AA and Q.
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The most common trading tactic is to AA then Q as soon as the animation finishes, then AA again.
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To trade from further away Q then AA, use W as quickly as you can after the AA finishes then continue to AA.
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