
Win rate | 50.7% |
Pick rate | 1.5% |
Ban rate | 0.2% |
Matches | 16 147- |
Shyvana Jungle has a 50.7% win rate and 1.5% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked B tier. Below, you will find thorough guides with videos on every available Shyvana combo. Learn, improve, and step up your Shyvana gameplay with Mobalytics!

R then E as soon as you land. Flash instantly as you start the animation to extend the range and quickly Q eAA.
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W then E and while mid E animation, Flash to extend the range. Follow up with Q eAA.
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When close range W AA instantly, E Q AA as quickly as you can right after then continue to AA.
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Your standard combo will be E then instantly W AA, Q as soon as the AA completes to reset your AA animation then continue to AA.
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If you're already close to your opponent W right before using R then E Q eAA as quickly as you can after landing.
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After level 6 R forward then E once you land, use W to get close then instantly AA Q once in melee range, followed by more AAs.
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