Sejuani·ARAM Builds
Win rate | 51.3% |
Pick rate | 0.6% |
Ban rate | -- |
Matches | 439 229- |
Sejuani ARAM Build
Most Popular
Win Rate 51.2% based on 61 570 matches
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51.2%Highest WR
52.7%ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Sejuani.
ARAM runes
ARAM spells
ARAM items
Starter Items
Core Items
Full Build
ARAM ability order
ARAM situational items
ARAM Balance
Note that items and champions may be slightly different in ARAM to balance the game mode. Learn more
No special effects for Sejuani.
Sejuani ARAM combos
This is your standard Q W combo. Use both together then AA twice, E as soon as you can then AA R AA
To engage normally use Q then AA and use W as soon as the animation finishes, AA again then E and AA once more
When in melee range already you can chain your crowd control properly. AA W AA one after another then instantly Q E followed by AA R AA.