Riven·Runes for Mid

Win rate | 51.6% |
Pick rate | 0.2% |
Ban rate | 2.6% |
Matches | 1 418- |

Riven Runes

Precision / Inspiration
Win Rate 54.6% and PickRate 42.5% based on 603 matches
In patch 15.5, Conqueror Riven has 54.6% winrate in Mid. Within primary rune tree, the best runes would be Triumph, Legend: Haste and Last Stand. In the secondary tree the most popular runes are Biscuit Delivery and Jack Of All Trades.


Riven Matchups Overview
Riven General information
Riven tips and tricks
Weave auto-attacks while using your abilities (in particular, your Q) to deal increased damage thanks to your Passive. Look at the indicator and auto-attack to consume the stacks.
Riven will get kited quite easily in team fights so she needs to get onto the enemy before she can be pushed away. For this to happen, she should flank the enemy and attack from the side.
As Riven is a strong dueller, make sure you’re playing aggressively throughout the laning phase. In particular, going for trades when the enemy is unable to trade back with you.
Riven combos
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