Orianna·Support Counters
Win rate | 46.5% |
Pick rate | 0.1% |
Ban rate | 0.9% |
Matches | 1 476- |
Orianna matchups
Orianna counter tips
Overall Average
Laning Against Orianna
Orianna struggles against strong all-in. Try to all-in her when her Ball is far away from her.
Pay close attention to the location of Orianna’s Ball throughout the laning phase. Position away from it at all times so it has further to travel to hit you.
At level 6, stand away from your ADC as much as possible. If you stand close to them, the enemy may be able to CC both of you when they cast their Ultimate R on you.
Strategy VS Orianna
Avoid fighting around objectives, near Towers and in the jungle as it can allow Orianna to get a multi-person Ultimate R and win the team fight.
Try and split up as much as possible (stand away from each other) so Orianna isn’t allowed to land a good Ultimate R.
If Orianna has a strong frontline, keep an eye on their positioning especially if she has her Ball E on them. If the enemy frontline runs towards you, disengage as quickly as you can so they’re not able to set up her Ultimate R.
Orianna Power Spikes
Orianna is good in team fights as her Ultimate R has a large radius and can CC multiple targets at once. Avoid standing close to your ADC post 6 so she cannot Ult R both of you.
Orianna is weak early, but her poke can be very hard to deal with once she has a few levels behind her. This is especially true after level 4.
Once Orianna has completed her Mythic item, her damage output will be extremely high. Look out for surprise Ultimates R and try and stay away from her Q.