
Nocturne·Mid Counters

Umbra BladesP
Shroud of DarknessW
Unspeakable HorrorE
Win rate49.2%
Pick rate0.0%
Ban rate8.2%
Matches1 138-
Nocturne Mid has a 49.2% win rate and 0.0% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked D tier. Based on our analysis of 1 138 matches, the best counters for Nocturne Mid are Garen, Lissandra, Swain, Ryze and Corki. On the other hand, Nocturne Mid counters Kassadin, Diana, Orianna, Vladimir and Ezreal.
Nocturne Top
Nocturne Jungle
Nocturne Mid
Nocturne Bot
Nocturne Support

Nocturne matchups

Mid Mid  Patch 14.17

Nocturne counter tips

General advice on how to play against Nocturne
These champs are strong against Nocturne at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Nocturne.
Laning Against Nocturne

Laning Against Nocturne

Nocturne will play rather safe early because he lacks any real damage until he gets his first item. Try to poke him down and force him to back early so he misses out on gold and experience.

His level 6 is very strong. If he is unable to kill you, he will look to roam and use his Ultimate ParanoiaR elsewhere. If he activates his Ultimate ParanoiaR and he’s not Ulting ParanoiaR you, push the wave as quickly as you can and take Tower plates.

When playing as a ranged AP champion, try and keep your distance as much as possible. If you allow him to get on to you, it will be hard for you to get him off you. Never try to trade autos with him once he is on top of you either as he will always out trade you blow for blow.

Strategy VS Nocturne

Strategy VS Nocturne

In the mid-game, avoid splitting up by staying as a team. Nocturne has great pick potential and will try to kill squishy champions who are on their own thanks to his Ultimate ParanoiaR.

Whenever Nocturne is split pushing on the other side of the map, he has no way of getting to his team quickly. If you see him somewhere else, look to engage and start a team fight.

Nocturne will try to take down the squishiest high priority target at the start of the fight. This is usually the Mid or ADC. Clump together in team fights to reduce his one-shot potential.

Nocturne Power Spikes

Nocturne Power Spikes

Nocturne is good in extended trades when against a Mage Mid laner. Avoid going for extended auto-attack trades as he’ll always come out ahead.

Once he hits level 6, Nocturne can use his Ultimate ParanoiaR to assassinate you or any targets if he chooses to roam. Avoid overextending if he’s stronger than you at level 6.

Nocturne is a good assassin and will try to kill any isolated target whose out of position in the mid and late game. Avoid letting him pick up free kills by staying as a team.
