Nasus·Jungle Counters
Win rate | 47.3% |
Pick rate | 0.2% |
Ban rate | 3.5% |
Matches | 3 913- |
Nasus matchups
Nasus counter tips
Overall Average
Nunu & Willump
Master Yi
Laning Against Nasus
Nasus is weak early on. You can use this to your advantage to invade him and steal away his camps. Stealing away his camps will deny him stacks.
His Dragon taking capability is really weak early. Try and take the objective before he can gank bot lane and take it for himself.
Counter ganking Nasus is pretty easy, so try and do it. Once he’s gone in with his W, he only really has his auto-attacks and Q to deal damage.
Strategy VS Nasus
Nasus will be looking to split push throughout the mid-game. He is good at split pushing thanks to his Q.
When Nasus is split pushing, you can use the numbers advantage to start a team fight. While fighting, check the map and be keep an eye on Nasus. Be prepared to disengage if he’s about to take a tower.
If Nasus is grouping for team fights, try to lock him down with CC so he is unable to get on to your carries and kill them with his Q and R.
Nasus Power Spikes
Nasus is at his weakest in the early game. Try to deny as many stacks as possible by invading him so he is unable to scale quickly.
The longer the game goes, the stronger Nasus gets. Make sure you end the game as quickly as possible.
Nasus wouldn’t be seen on the map early, but post 6, he will start ganking a lot. Especially when he has multiple points in his W.