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Mordekaiser·Jungle Guide

Darkness RiseP
Death's GraspE
Realm of DeathR
Win rate50.8%
Pick rate0.3%
Ban rate9.0%
Matches4 240-
Mordekaiser Jungle has a 50.8% win rate and 0.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked C tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Mordekaiser Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Mordekaiser Jungle guide!
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Mordekaiser Jungle
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Mordekaiser Strengths & Weaknesses

Mordekaiser has good ganks and good skirmishing power in the early game.

Post-six, he can select any target and convert the fight into a 1 v 1. This can mean hell for any immobile or low health enemy carry as Mordekaiser can easily Death's GraspE>ObliterateQ them.

Once he gets enough items, he will be nearly unkillable unless the enemy team focuses him down. In a team fight, his Death's GraspE can be extremely beneficial when fighting against clumped enemy teams.


Mordekaiser is quite immobile. If the enemy has lots of mobility or has dodge tools, it will be hard for him to catch up with the enemy.

Pre-6, if Mordekaiser misses his Death's GraspE, his ganks will fail. This is because he has no other forms of CC and it will be hard for him to get on to the fleeing target.

In the later parts of the game, pen and healing reduction will reduce his survivability heavily in late game team fights.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Mordekaiser is Average

Focus on getting level three quickly, increasing your clear speed, and frequently gank in the game. Always try to gank overextended lanes when possible.

You will want to get your first item quickly as it will give you a massive damage boost and match quite well with your Ultimate Realm of DeathR.

Once you get your Ultimate Realm of DeathR, your dueling power will increase. Always try to pick off the enemy jungler with this and then take the Dragon or Rift Herald.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Mordekaiser is Strong

In the mid-game, you will want to take multiple fights and get ahead. It will be pretty hard for the enemies to kill you if you don't get CC'd.

Your IndestructibleW and Death's GraspE will be instrumental to your success in this matchup, especially during ganks. Set up some death brushes in the Jungle when possible.

Do not take full-blown team fights. Instead, rely on picks to win the mid-game. It should be pretty easy to do if you use the fog of war properly.

Late game
25+ min
Mordekaiser is Average

Do not fight in the late game unless your Ultimate Realm of DeathR is up. It is crucial that you only commit or look for fights when it is available as you will miss out on a lot of potential kill pressure.

Your Ultimate Realm of DeathR will be on a shorter cooldown in the later stages of the game. If you can find an opportunity to do so, use it to catch out someone isolated and alone, too far forward or way out of position.

Peel for your carries to keep them alive for longer. If your allies die quickly, there will be little chance that you will win the team fight.

Jungle pathing
Early Game
Early Game
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Level 6 is a significant spike for Mordekaiser as he can convert a fight to a 1 v 1. It becomes straightforward for Mordekaiser to kill his target.

The first item component will allow Mordekaiser to survive and deal a lot of damage. The clears will be quick, and his ganks will be pretty solid now.

His early game ganks are really good due to his abilities. He should be pretty comfortable ganking lanes with heavy CC as they will let him get massive leads.

Mid game15 - 25 min

The second point in his Ultimate Realm of DeathR will allow him to take down targets quite quickly. It will be up frequently as well, making it easy for him to pick on a target.

The first ability will be maxed out at level 9. He will be dealing with a lot of burst damage due to it and decimate any enemy who gets pulled towards him.

He should have his core items by now, which will make him uber-powerful. His consistent damage and damage absorption will allow him to frontline and fight easily.

Late game25+ min

A maxed-out Ultimate Realm of DeathR will generally have a shorter cooldown than a Quicksilver Sash. This means that no one is safe, and he can pick high-priority targets during team fights.

He will have multiple items during this phase of the game, allowing him to take a lot of damage and dealing a lot of damage simultaneously during a fight. It will be challenging for the enemy to take him down.

Enemies will stack defensive items, so it will become tough for you to kill them. That being said, separating the enemy carry from the actual map for a few seconds will help your team win a fight quickly.

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