Win rate | 50.2% |
Pick rate | 6.0% |
Ban rate | 0.9% |
Matches | 71 834- |
For a seemingly never ending combo when you have high ability haste W and instantly AA followed by using E before the first AA lands. Use AA E AA followed by Q AA E AA, making sure to use each ability after the first shot.
When you have high ability haste and need to dodge a bunch of skillshots W and instantly AA followed by using E before the first AA lands. AA Q AA followed by E AA E AA making sure to use each ability after the first shot.
Surprise your opponent when outside normal range by using W then instantly Flashing and using AA. E after first shot then AA, Q after first shot and AA.
To ensure you get maximum dps W R instantly then Flash to reposition. Right before your R finishes E back into AA range followed by AA Q AA.
For a post level 6 all in E and AA, then W Q quickly followed by AA R AA.
To get a quick ult combo off cast W and instantly E then R as soon as you're done dashing. Get into AA range before your R ends then AA Q AA.
Another basic trade is to Q then AA and instantly E after the first shot. Follow up by an AA then W after the first shot and AA.
For a basic trade you can also E then AA Q, followed by AA W AA.
To get a movement speed buff early in your combo W then AA and instantly E to reposition after the first shot, followed by an AA. Q after the first shot and AA.
For the basic concept of how to optimise your passive with Lucian Q then instantly AA. After the first bullet connects quickly E to reposition and AA.