Win rate | 52.4% |
Pick rate | 2.0% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 10 684- |
When looking to engage or flank a teamfight E then R and instantly F W. Quickly Q then recast E to continue to AA.
To kill someone in an extended fight when your W passive up, E into melee range then instantly W E AA once it connects. Quickly Q then AA R and continue to AA.
To all in when someone is close R then AA W as quickly as you can then instantly Q followed by an AA. Quickly E, then recast it once it lands followed by more AA's.
To burst someone E forward then cast R once in range and instantly W, once your E connects recast it and instantly Q AA.
A trade used when minions are around have your W passive up then E forward. Once your E connects instantly recast it and AA W, then quickly Q while they are stunned and continue to AA.
To quickly trade from afar when your W passive is up Q and instantly AA W.
Your ideal ranged trading pattern when one stack away from W your passive is to, AA Q followed by AA W and conitnue to AA if needed.
A trade used when there aren't minions blocking, E forward then Q. After you connect with E use W then recast E so you can AA.