
Win rate | 48.0% |
Pick rate | 16.6% |
Ban rate | 1.2% |
Matches | 67 862- |

When your target already has a plasma stack, use E then W R together. Q as soon as you land and AA.

E forward then AA Q quickly. Once at 3 or 4 plasma stacks use W R together, then continue to AA.

Flash W can secure kills much easier. E forward then AA twice. During the back end of the third AA use Q W quickly. Flash right as you start the W animation and AA.

Engage with W then once it lands R to your target. Quickly AA Q, use your E to reposition then continue to AA.

When your target already has a plasma stack on them, use R. Start your W cast mid flight then AA Q and continue your AA's.

To chase opponents down E forward then AA Q and mid animation use R. Continue to AA then execute with W.

To trade normally try to AA and Q at the same time then AA W AA.

If you can guarantee your W then use it early. AA then instantly W and Q during its animation then AA twice.