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Jax·Jungle Guide

Relentless AssaultP
Leap StrikeQ
Counter StrikeE
Win rate--
Pick rate--
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Jax Jungle has a winRate win rate and pickRate pick rate in eloName and is currently tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Jax Jungle, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Jax Jungle guide!
Jax Top
Jax Jungle
Jax Mid
Jax Bot
Jax Support
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Jax Strengths & Weaknesses

Jax is a strong ganker, and his ganks are easy to perform. All he needs to do is get close and use his to CC the target.

Jax’s skirmishing power is excellent, and he can trade with or out fight pretty much all enemy Junglers.

He is good at securing objectives on his own. This allows him and his team to get an excellent objective lead for free.


Jax is susceptible to disengage, CC and poke. This can make team fighting difficult for him.

If Jax doesn’t get an early lead or cannot help his allies, he will fall behind and not be very strong in the later parts of the game.

If the enemy starts to build defensive items, it is unlikely that he will kill any of the enemy team carries.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Jax is Average

Get to level three really fast and start ganking quickly. Your goal is to look out for low health targets and finish them off when you get the chance.

Once you get your first item component, you should be able to dish out a lot more damage and counter-gank way more frequently. Ward around correctly and track the enemy Jungler non-stop.

Your Ultimate will play a vital role when playing against the enemy team. It will let you utilize your Passive efficiently but always try to get rid of the enemy backline and catch them off-guard by surprise by using the fog of war.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Jax is Strong

Once you get your core items, you should look for skirmishes all around the map. Focus on ganking the pushed-up enemy lanes.

When going for neutral objectives, make sure that you get rid of the enemy Jungler with your and auto-attacks. It will ensure that you don't mess up a smite.

Fighting in chokepoints should help you a lot during this phase of the game. Work with your Support to set vision around the map to know where you can catch the Jungler off.

Late game
25+ min
Jax is Strong

Once you're complete build, you should be able to decimate the entire enemy team with your Ultimate and . Just make sure you don't dive too deep into the enemy team without your team backing you off.

It should be straightforward for you to get picks on the side lane. Use the fog of war and the Jungle brushes to set up ambushes for the enemy team.

Your has the potential to CC the entire enemy team. Use it from the fog of war and flank to get into the enemy backline. Separating the enemy frontline from the backline should be relatively easy for you.

Jungle pathing
Early Game
Early Game
Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Jax's objective control is excellent as his allows him to CC multiple targets with ease. This is especially true in choke points like the objective pits.

Level 6 is a massive spike for Jax. This is due to the increased resistance he gets when he activates his Ultimate . It will help him a lot when it comes to using his Passive and attacking consistently.

Jax's first item component will allow him to get an advantage over the enemy. It will increase his overall dueling potential and will completely dismantle the gameplan of any enemy who is overextended and hasn't set vision around the map.

Mid game15 - 25 min

Jax's EmpowerW will be maxed out at level 9. This will give him a massive damage boost, and he will frequently use the ability. Moreso, it will allow him to mitigate more damage in turn.

Jax is excellent during the mid-game as he will have his core items with him. This means that he can look for picks and can quickly get kills on isolated targets.

At level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate Grandmaster-at-ArmsR. This means that he will absorb more damage, completely dive the enemy backline, and still survive.

Late game25+ min

Jax will have his maxed at level thirteen. This will allow him to deal more damage with an increased frequency which is quite beneficial when dealing with picks.

Jax will have most of his items and will be able to deal a lot of damage now. Anyone within his leap range will die if they have no form of mobility spell on them.

Jax will have a lot of items during this phase of the game. This will help him kill enemies with ease as his Passive will allow him to deal a lot of damage in a concise time.

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