Jax·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 48.3% |
Pick rate | 0.6% |
Ban rate | 5.9% |
Matches | 4 201- |

Jax matchups
Jax counter tips
Overall Average


Dr. Mundo



Nunu & Willump





Jarvan IV






Laning Against Jax
Jax clears the jungle quite quickly and healthy, so you may not be able to fight him early. But, if you find him low- go in for the kill.
Jax is good at taking objectives alone thanks to his and . Make sure you have the Dragon warded at all times so your team knows if he’s on it.
If you’re nearby when Jax ganks a lane, try to counter gank him. Once his and are down, he doesn’t really have much in his kit to continue the fight. If you have CC, lock him down and turn the exchange around.
Strategy VS Jax
If Jax decides to team fight, try and lock him down with CC before he has the chance to engage. While his will block basic attacks, he is vulnerable to disengage and CC.
Jax will be looking to split push in the later stages of the game. Always keep an eye on where he is at any given time. Do not let him take objectives and open up your base for free.
Forcing a fight with a numbers advantage when Jax is split pushing can be a good way to win a team fight. Keep an eye on him when fighting and be prepared to retreat if he leaves the side lane.
Jax Power Spikes
Jax’s Ultimate will give him increased defensive stats which will make ganking a little easier for him as he will be tankier and deal more damage. If you meet him in a 1v1, avoid fighting him when his Ultimate is up.
Once Jax gets his first item, he becomes much harder to duel unless you have items that match his damage. Don't over commit to fighting him without a backup plan.
As the game goes along, Jax will get stronger and stronger. Keep an eye on him at all times as he will look to split push and take objectives quickly.