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Evelynn·Jungle Counters

Demon ShadeP
Hate SpikeQ
Last CaressR
Win rate50.4%
Pick rate2.3%
Ban rate3.7%
Matches16 367-
Evelynn Jungle has a 50.4% win rate and 2.3% pick rate in Emerald + and is currently ranked A tier. Based on our analysis of 16 367 matches, the best counters for Evelynn Jungle are Shyvana, Kha'Zix, Nunu & Willump, Naafiri and Rek'Sai. On the other hand, Evelynn Jungle counters Nidalee, Ivern, Skarner, Zed and Taliyah.
Evelynn Top
Evelynn Jungle
Evelynn Mid
Evelynn Bot
Evelynn Support

Evelynn matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 15.6

Evelynn counter tips

General advice on how to play against Evelynn
These champs are strong against Evelynn at most phases of the game. They’re listed based on their win rate against Evelynn.
Champion counters video
Laning Against Evelynn

Laning Against Evelynn

Evelynn’s early game is very weak and she will be power farming till level 6 so she can become invisible and get her Ultimate Last CaressR. Try and invade her jungle and steal away her camps to delay her level 6 power spike.

Place Control Wards in the river and go for deeper wards rather than relying on shallow ones. This will help you spot her before she gets the chance to become invisible. Placing wards on her camps are a good way to counter her.

Evelynn wants to assassinate targets that are alone. Group as a team to make it harder for her to execute and kill squishy champions.

Strategy VS Evelynn

Strategy VS Evelynn

Get wards down! Evelynn might be cloaked when walking but not when doing camps. Place vision on her jungle camps rather than inside lane bushes.

Evelynn will look to execute someone before a team fight or an objective spawns. Do not move around the map alone whenever a major objective is about to spawn. Stay as a team if possible.

Keep track of Evelynn’s Ultimate Last CaressR. When it’s down, she is a lot less mobile and cannot escape skirmishes without using her Flash.

Evelynn Power Spikes

Evelynn Power Spikes

Evelynn gets stronger with kills. Try and reduce her gold income by not overstaying your welcome and getting killed by her. By not dying to her, you will reduce her effectiveness as the game goes on.

Evelynn needs level 6 as quickly as possible so she can unlock her Ultimate Last CaressR and become invisible. Respect her ganks post level 6 and make sure you track her with good vision throughout her jungle.

If the enemy bot lane goes missing, they might be helping Evelynn take the Drake. She cannot take it alone early, so try to take it away yourself if you’re able to. If not, gank bot lane and take it with them.


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