
Win rate | 50.0% |
Pick rate | 3.4% |
Ban rate | 1.0% |
Matches | 51 195- |

To very quickly burst someone face checking you use E Q instantly, then R and AA.

From long range, W your target and right before it lands E forward. Cancel the very end of the roll with Flash then AA to get in range for the stun, followed by Q AA AA

Going through your W with R will still stun the target. W at your target then take 1 step into the where the circle will be, then leave before your opponent sees your W. As soon as your W lands R, then E towards your target so you can eAA Q AA.

Your E roll animation can be cancelled with Flash. AA then instantly Q E. Cancel the roll with Flash and instantly AA.

If being chased E away, using W during its animation. Q back at your target upon finishing the roll, then right as your W is about to land R back and instantly AA.

To execute from far away E then quickly Q and Flash right as you start the animation, then AA to dash and AA once more.

To burst and hide your R animation, Q then walk away and as it's about to hit its return damage E and cast R mid animation then AA instantly

You can slightly hide your W animation with E. E forward, use W on your target then AA and Q on arrival. Continue to AA if the stun lands.

Cancel your Q E animations by using Q on your target, then instantly E forward and AA.

To all in an opponent before level 6, W your target and wait until it's about to proc. E forward and Q AA to gap close and trigger the stun.

Your most basic trade will be to use E then AA as soon as you're done rolling, then quickly Q AA.

If someone facechecks you lead with W then Q AA. E away from your target then AA to dash back to land the stun.

While in melee range, trade with AA then instantly Q. Quickly use E away from your target only to go back in.

Q and if both portions land E in and AA to proc the passive and retreat.