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Diana·Jungle Counters

Moonsilver BladeP
Crescent StrikeQ
Pale CascadeW
Lunar RushE
Win rate50.5%
Pick rate6.0%
Ban rate3.6%
Matches450 898-
Diana Jungle has a 50.5% win rate and 6.0% pick rate in All Ranks and is currently ranked B tier. Based on our analysis of 450 898 matches, the best counters for Diana Jungle are Mordekaiser, Briar, Volibear, Warwick and Yorick. On the other hand, Diana Jungle counters Twitch, Malphite, Riven, Rengar and Shen.
Diana Top
Diana Jungle
Diana Mid
Diana Bot
Diana Support

Diana matchups

Jungle Jungle  Patch 14.20

Diana counter tips

General advice on how to play against Diana
Champion counters video
Laning Against Diana

Laning Against Diana

Diana’s early game is rather weak, but she does have kill pressure on you if she is able to land her Crescent StrikeQ. If you meet her on the rift alone and she lands her Crescent StrikeQ, back off unless you can kill her.

Diana can start ganking after level 3 and will look to constantly gank post level 6 whenever her Ultimate MoonfallR is up. Keep this in mind and try to gank as often as possible to make it harder for her to impact the map when she gets around to it.

Be aware of her level 6 power spike as it is huge for her. Keep track of her early through wards and try to delay her power spike for as long as possible by taking away her camps or killing her in her jungle.

Strategy VS Diana

Strategy VS Diana

During team fights, Diana's kit offers a lot of burst damage thanks to her Ultimate MoonfallR. Try to poke her down before she engages to make it really hard for her to engage and kill anybody.

Diana's engage is pretty scripted. Ward to the side when sieging an objective so she cannot surprise your team with an all-in.

Diana is an assassin and can quite easily one-shot any squishy target walking alone through the river. Do not enter the river unless you have it warded or know where Diana is.

Diana Power Spikes

Diana Power Spikes

Diana’s core power spike is once she hits level 6 because she will have crowd control on her Ultimate MoonfallR. At this time, she will be looking to gank and will be continuing to gank whenever it’s available.

After Diana has completed her first item, her skirmishing potential and damage output will heavily increase. She will be a real threat at this stage of the game.

The more kills she gets the stronger she becomes. Try and counter gank as she has nothing to offer once she has blown her Ultimate MoonfallR or Crescent StrikeQ.
