Cassiopeia·Mid Guide
Win rate | 51.7% |
Pick rate | 1.5% |
Ban rate | 1.6% |
Matches | 46 470- |
Cassiopeia’s Ultimate R is a great tool in team fights. Hitting 5 champions at once is a sure-fire way of winning the team fight.
She deals a lot of damage in extended trades as long as she lands her Q. She needs to make sure she keeps an eye on her mana pool though so she doesn’t run out of mana.
Cassiopeia can often get early kills in lane with a level 2 all-in. Getting an early kill will make the laning phase much easier for her.
Cassiopeia runs out of mana incredibly quickly if she spams her E when trading. She needs to keep a constant eye on her mana pool otherwise she will have minimal lane pressure.
Cassiopeia is one of the most immobile champions in the game. This makes her a prime target for ganks and teams with good dive potential.
When against mobile champions like Talon, Lee Sin, Rengar, it will be really hard for her to land her Q, make use of her W and escape a trade. She struggles against fast-moving enemies.
0 - 15 min
Keep a constant eye on your mana pool. Cassiopeia has short cooldowns (overall) and it’s easy to spam them.
Extended trades work in Cassiopeia’s favour. Her damage does stack up so try to go for extended trades around your E.
Play around your Ultimate R. It is a good all-in tool and good to setup/deny ganks. Make sure you get close to the enemy to ensure you’re able to land it.
15 - 25 min
When no team fights are occurring, move to a side lane and focus on farming and earning XP and gold.
In team fights, try to flank the enemy. This will increase your chances of getting a good Ultimate R off.
Look for fights inside tight spots of the map or get picks with your Ultimate R. CC’ing a key target will make fighting so much easier.
25+ min
Watch your positioning in late game team fights. Stay as safe as possible so you do not get killed first. Cassiopeia is one of the strongest late game champions, so staying alive is key.
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
Look to initiate and start a fight with your Ultimate R. Being able to land a multi-person stun will make the fight much easier for your team.
Cassiopeia’s first significant power spike is when she hits level 3. While she can dish out a lot of damage at levels 1 and 2, she becomes much stronger when she has access to her basic abilities.
The next major power spike for Cassiopeia’s is when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Her Ultimate R is very versatile and can be used to either engage or disengage from a fight. It can also be used to set up her Jungler.
Cassiopeia’s will start to do a lot more damage in trades when they’ve picked up their first item. Landing one Q and then following that up with multiple E’s should give you a severe health advantage.
Cassiopeia has a lot of kill pressure in the mid-game, especially once she puts 2 points in her Ultimate R. The reduced cooldown and additional damage make her a huge threat during this stage of the game.
Cass should have her Tear stacked by this stage of the game. She will have a somewhat endless mana pool once it’s maxed out.
At level 9, Cass will max out her E. As long as she lands her Q, her bully potential will be incredibly potent. Her all-in heavily intensifies at this stage of the game.
Cass is a late-game monster. As long as she hasn’t fallen behind, she will be incredibly strong in the late game.
At level 13, Cass will max out her Q. Pairing this with her E max, she will be able to deal a lot of damage in a skirmish.
At level 16, Cassiopeia will put the third point in her Ultimate R. It will deal a lot of damage, stun the enemy for a long period of time, be on a short cooldown and have the potential to win her team the game.