Camille·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 46.4% |
Pick rate | 0.0% |
Ban rate | 2.0% |
Matches | 448- |

Camille matchups
Camille counter tips
Overall Average



Xin Zhao




Lee Sin

Laning Against Camille
Camille doesn’t have the healthiest or fastest clear. You can use this to your advantage by invading her in the early game and stealing away some of her camps.
Early wards will reduce the effectiveness of Camille’s ganks. In particular, a jungle or river ward at level 1 can stop her from getting a successful level 2 gank off.
Whenever Camille’s Ultimate R is up, she will be looking to gank a lane. You will need to equal her pressure by ganking, counter ganking or by securing objectives on the opposite side of the map.
Strategy VS Camille
In team fights, try to cast your Ultimate R when the enemy is bunched together so it can bounce between multiple champions and deal more damage.
Delay a team fight for as long as possible while you harass and poke the enemy down with your W.
Get as close to the enemy laner as you can before using your Q. The further away you use it, the harder it will be for you to land it.
Camille Power Spikes
Camille can start ganking as soon as she hits level 2. Ensure you’re aware of the level 2 gank and do not push up too far forward in lane early on.
At level 6 Camille will gain access to her Ultimate R which can be deadly if you’re low and overextended. Respect her all-in and do not push without vision as her Ultimate
After Camille has completed her jungling item, she will be incredibly strong when skirmishing. Avoid fighting her alone unless you have a clear advantage.