Bel'Veth·Jungle Counters

Win rate | 50.6% |
Pick rate | 2.2% |
Ban rate | 4.5% |
Matches | 3 794- |

Bel'Veth matchups
Bel'Veth counter tips
Overall Average









Xin Zhao


Jarvan IV




Laning Against Bel'Veth
Invade her early. Bel’Veth is very weak and easy to invade. Try and pick strong skirmishing champions and invade her early.
If you cannot invade her early, steal away her camps when she shows elsewhere on the map. Denying these camps will prevent her from getting stacks.
Counter gank her whenever you can. After she has used her core abilities, she doesn’t have much to offer. If you have CC and are good in 1v1s or 2v2s, you should have an easy time counter ganking her.
Strategy VS Bel'Veth
In team fights, try to lock her down quickly so she is unable to auto-attack and dish out tons of damage.
When she activates her E in a team fight, avoid using any burst abilities. Disengage or focus her quickly to take her down.
If she oversteps or uses her Q too aggressively, lock her down and focus her in the team fight. Taking her out quickly will increase your chances of winning the game.
Bel'Veth Power Spikes
Her first major power spike is at level 6 when she unlocks her Ultimate R. Her skirmishing power increases after this level.
The longer the game goes, the stronger she will be thanks to her Passive as she can unlock unlimited stacks.
Similarly, her attack speed can become extremely high in the late game. Try and end the game early so she cannot get so much attack speed.