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Ashe·Support Guide

Frost ShotP
Ranger's FocusQ
Enchanted Crystal ArrowR
Win rate44.2%
Pick rate1.2%
Ban rate7.2%
Matches98 440-
Ashe Support has a 44.2% win rate and 1.2% pick rate in All Ranks and is currently ranked C tier. Below, you will find a very detailed guide for Ashe Support, where we explain strengths and weaknesses of the champion, powerspikes, and game plans for each stage of the game. Step up your game with our Ashe Support guide!
Ashe Top
Ashe Jungle
Ashe Mid
Ashe Bot
Ashe Support
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Ashe Strengths & Weaknesses

You are extremely strong during the laning phase due to your long-ranged poke and auto-attacks. This allows you to chip away at your enemy's health bar.

The amount of utility you bring to a team comp is massive. Your auto-attack slows and your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR can easily help your team secure picks before important objective spawn.

Once you get a few items, your Ultimate R will be on a considerably lower cooldown. This can help your team secure more picks


Your immobility is the clearest weakness that you have: both during the laning phase as well as in the team fighting stage. This puts the additional task of making sure that you are positioned well during fights as one misstep can get you killed.

The enemy team will look to gank you multiple times during the laning phase to set you back. Although it doesn't affect your utility, you won't be able to get enough items to impact fights later on which will cost your team multiple fights and objectives.

Whenever your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR is down, you have little to no self peel. While your VolleyW does slow a target, it can be quite difficult to get them off you if you’re alone and low.

Game plan
Early game
0 - 15 min
Ashe is Strong

Ashe should focus on poking the enemy with her VolleyW from out of vision when possible. The lane brushes need to be controlled by her as she has the range advantage on most other champions.

She should use her HawkshotE carefully in this lane. This is because it can help her Jungler a lot when it comes to detecting the enemy Jungler without putting Ashe's life in jeopardy.

Getting her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR is going to be a massive point in the game for Ashe. She can CC targets with ease now, get picks across the map, and deal a lot of damage depending on what build she is going.

Mid game
15 - 25 min
Ashe is Average

Ashe will secure many picks during this phase of the game, thanks to all her slows and CC in her kit. She will need to work closely with her Jungler while ensuring that she positions correctly during fights.

Due to her core items, Ashe will be able to duel quite effectively now. Using her VolleyW slow and Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR, she should try to keep the enemy at arm's length while she keeps pelting them with her attacks.

The usage of her HawkshotE will be pretty vital as she will easily be able to scout around the neutral, objective pits before a significant fight. This will prevent her from getting unnecessary deaths while she is setting up vision.

Late game
25+ min
Ashe is Strong

You should focus on initiating fights with her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR from now on. It will let your team follow up on the CC, while the short cooldown means that getting high-priority picks will be extremely easy.

You will be dealing a lot of damage during this phase of the game as well. You will be acting as a secondary ADC for her team, but you should focus on spamming her VolleyW to soften the enemies before going in for a kill.

Positioning will mean a lot for you during this phase of the game. You can do whatever you want to do while staying in the backline and deal with the enemy closest to you as you are really immobile.

Power Spikes
Early game0 - 15 min

Ashe’s first power spike in lane is once she purchases and upgrade her Boots. The additional ability haste will make her a more potent laner as she can constantly throw out her VolleyW on the enemy.

At level 6, Ashe’s kill pressure in lane increases. Her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR is very versatile and can set up kills with her team. Make sure you play around your Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR to get kills over and over.

Once Ashe has picked up her first component item, her trades will be extremely potent. Mix this with a few points in her VolleyW and upgraded Boots; her poke will be consistent.

Mid game15 - 25 min

At level 9, Ashe will have her VolleyW maxed. This is an important power spike for Ashe as she can use it to poke the enemy down before her team commits to a team fight.

When Ashe hits level 11, she will put a secondary point in her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR. Her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR will have a short cooldown and she will be able to look for picks frequently throughout the mid-game.

Ashe should’ve completed an item or two during the mid-game. This makes her a huge threat in team fights as her damage output in conjunction with her poke can be devastating to deal with.

Late game25+ min

In the late game, Ashe’s VolleyW will be on an incredibly low cooldown which allows her to poke the enemy down a ton before a late game team fight erupts.

At level 16, Ashe will have 3 points in her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal ArrowR. It will also be on a much lower cooldown (on a lower cooldown than the enemy will think). This allows her to get surprising picks to win the late game for her team.

In the later parts of the game, Ashe will be at max or near max build. Her damage output will be incredibly high if she can 1, poke the enemy with her VolleyW, 2 activate her Ranger's FocusQ and 3, kite in late game team fights.

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