Veigar·Mid Guide
Win rate | 51.0% |
Pick rate | 2.6% |
Ban rate | 0.7% |
Matches | 14 044- |
Infinite scaling on his Passive makes him a late-game monster. He can quite easily start one-shotting people once he manages to get his first item.
Extremely powerful when fighting in closed spaces as he can easily land his Q and W on multiple targets while crowd controlling them with his E.
Very high gank set-up potential with his E. This can allow him to call his Jungler to gank his lane and help him get an early lead, which will be quite devastating for the enemy team.
Very immobile and is extremely vulnerable to crowd control. He has a weak early game as well, so he can easily be abused and killed with a few ganks.
His E is on a really long cooldown, and it is his only form of self-peel. Once it is down, he can be easily all-in’d and killed with crowd control.
He will take a lot of time to come online if he happens to get killed a few times during the early game. He isn’t going to be very effective if the game goes on for too long so try to shut him down early and end the game quickly.
0 - 15 min
Focus on farming and getting as much gold and XP as possible. You need time and gold before you’re able to come online and deal damage.
Your champion is incredibly weak in the early game. Focus on farming and avoid fighting with the enemy until you’ve got an item behind you.
After your bot lane has moved to the mid lane, rotate to the bot side of the map or somewhere else on the map so you can continue to farm and gain XP. Do not fight anyone unless you have an advantage over them. Continue to get XP and gold.
15 - 25 min
At this stage of the game, you want to put yourself in a side lane and focus on getting stacks so you have a stronger late game.
In the later parts of the mid-game and when the enemy starts to group, make sure you follow suit and start to group with your team.
Look for picks with your E. If you can catch someone out during the mid game with it, your team should be able to kill them pretty quickly. Once you’ve killed someone, make the call for Drake or Baron.
25+ min
Stick with your team in the late game. Do not split up or walk away from them otherwise the enemy may try to pick you off or initiate a 4v5 fight when you’re away from your team.
Look for a pick with your E to gain the numbers advantage. Then use your Ultimate R to take them down quickly before looking to siege or take a nearby objective.
At this stage of the game, you should have tons of stacks and be really strong. If you’re ahead, use your Ultimate R to stat check the squishiest enemy champion to take them out of the fight.
Veigar is relatively weak during the early game, and he should be focusing on trying to Q and stack up his Passive when possible. His E will come in handy when trying to prevent all-ins.
Post-six, he will have access to all his basic abilities. This is huge for him as he can now CC enemies and then combo them with his W and Q when possible.
Level six is a significant power spike as it gives him access to his finishing ability. Now he will just have to focus on poking the enemy out in the lane before decimating them with his Ultimate R.
His first ability will be maxed out at level nine. Now he can pretty much do a quarter of a squishy target's health bar with his Q.
At level 11, he will have two points in his Ultimate R. This will amplify his damage massively, and Veigar will easily be able to one-shot squishy enemies and tanks alike.
Veigar will now have multiple stacks, which will grant him a lot of free ability power. This is horrible news for the enemy team as Veigar will soon be unstoppable.
He will have a lot of Passive stacks during this phase of the game. This scaling is infinite, which means that Veigar can pretty much one-shot full health squishy targets.
His E will be on a very short cooldown during this point in the game. He will be able to secure a lot of picks, especially around choke points.
Once his Ultimate R gets maxed out, he will execute enemies with ease. Any enemy who gets hit by his Q will be within Ultimate R kill range of Veigar.