Win rate | 51.3% |
Pick rate | 5.7% |
Ban rate | 8.5% |
Matches | 91 863- |
You can Q mid air by using R twice then Q and E mid air followed by some AA's
Q Flashing does not extend the range but can put you in range faster. Q then Flash mid animation and instantly E and then AA' away.
Q E instantly then quickly AA until your fear is about to proc, then Flash behind your target to fear backwards and continue to AA.
Leading with R Q instantly will help mitigate the lockout period before using R again. E as soon as you can and follow up with some AA's.
Quickly burst with Q R instantly then AA and R right after followed by another AA.
Q then E and quickly AA. Press R and AA then hit R again right as the fear will proc, then follow up with some AA's.
If you're already in melee range E AA instantly then Q right after and continue to AA.
When medium range use Q then instantly E once in range and AA.
To guarantee your damage quickly R twice then E as soon as you can. AA while you maintain the tether, Q as soon as the fear goes off then continue to AA.