Win rate | 49.0% |
Pick rate | 10.3% |
Ban rate | 15.3% |
Matches | 55 402- |
You can combine W and Flash to make it much harder to dodge. AA then Q E together and finish off with AA R AA.
Very quickly burst your opponent down with everything you have. W your target, Q then quickly R Flash back in. AA E AA as soon as you can.
From outside normal range, Q and instantly E F. Execute your target with AA R.
To quickly retreat W your target then Q then instantly click away to E. As soon as your E is about to reach its max distance R, then use Flash mid animation.
When ganking W your target, E towards them then AA and Q during the AA downtime, then AA again and execute with your R.
Quickly burst enemies leading with W and quickly Q, then AA E AA as quickly as possible followed by R and another AA.
Seamlessly slide into your target by using Q E together. W your target and AA then quickly Q and E in the same direction. Finish up with two AA's.
When fighting any opponent AA twice then E towards your target, Q instantly and use your final AA right after.
To All In before level 6 W your target, then quickly AA and E to reposition. AA Q and AA again.