Deadlock Wraith Build by Lefaa
Wraith is a high fire rate weapon damage carry. This build utilizes her fire rate with Tesla Bullets to power farm and become a bruiser in teamfights with Siphon Bullets.
This build was created by Lefaa. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Wraith by Lefaa" (BuildID: 140538)
Early Game
Start Card Trick and try to use it off cd so you don’t waste the charge on it (you generate the card by dealing damage).
First buy is Ammo Scavenger so make sure to stack it up and look for denies on your own minions (usually around 4 waves its at max stacks).
Extra Charge gives you 3 card trick charges in total so wait before you buy that to all in.
Once you have 2 points into Card Trick (2.2k souls) pop your Infuser and look to spam all 3 cards at the enemy.
Mid Game
Look to get Tesla Bullets a couple minutes after jungle spawns (5 minutes)
Once you have Tesla Bullets try to push the waves fast and farm all the jungle camps nearby (make sure not to miss any waves especially after 8 minutes)..
Full Auto will shred any objective with the extra attack speed and spirit damage per bullet, so try to punish any over grouping by taking walkers.
Late Game
Once you have Siphon Bullets you can start carrying in teamfights. This item can get you an extra 1000hp if the fights last long enough.
Try to play the fights a little to the side to stack up your siphon bullets and look to pick off anyone that overextends with your ult.
Next tier 4 item you buy after Siphon Bullets should be either Inhibitor if they have a fed carry that can out dps you or Crippling Headshot if you notice they are stacking bullet resist.
Situatiional Items
Don't waste flex slots on purple items. Sell the lane 500 ones.