Deadlock Haze Build
Deadlock Build

Deadlock Haze Build

By MobalyticsUpdated on Sep 13, 2024


Haze wants to increase her fire rate to apply her passive as quickly as possible. We then want to supplement that play style by adding as many on-hits and slow effects in order to gun down whoever is in our way!

This build was created by RinaVX. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Haze by Rina VX"

Early Game

Since we are limited on ammo, we will try to conserve ammo with a poke playstyle using headshot and extra spirit.

  • Buy Headshot Booster and Ammo Scavenger first in order to sustain ammo to last hit and secure souls.

  • Then buy Extra Regen if you need help in lane. Otherwise get Extra Spirit to increase ammunition. 

  • And then round out your character with Extra Health and Rapid Round.

Headshot Booster500
Ammo Scavenger500
Extra Regen500
Extra Spirit500
Extra Health500
Rapid Rounds500

Mid Game

  • Next, you MUST save up for Tesla to increase farm and wave-clear speed which will help you get the rest of your core items.

  • Quicksilver Reload on our sleep dagger. It’s important to save her dagger for after we get our first burst off.

  • Then quickly obtain the rest of the Mid Game items. Now you are ready to fight!

Tesla Bullets3000
Slowing Bullets1250
Swift Striker1250
Bullet Lifesteal1250
Quicksilver Reload1250
Bullet Resist Shredder1250

Late Game

  • We want to stack as much fire rate as possible with Burst Fire!

  • After that we then want to increase our ammo count with additional spirit items. We can also benefit from mystic slow due to our lv 2 upgrade on our passive that procs spirit damage.

  • Finally Lucky Shot gives us the strongest damage boost as it scales off our fixation.

Burst Fire3000
Improved Spirit3000
Mystic Slow3000
Lucky Shot6200


  • Since we aren’t opting for traditional defensives, evasion through movement is how we are going to avoid damage. In the late game, items like Superior Stamina and Warp Stone are key to this!

  • As always , Debuff Reducer or Debuff Remover to help deal with dots or cc’s. (Pocket Ult, Seven’s Stun, Bebop Bomb, Vindicta's Tether/Crow)

  • Items like Knockdown are a good alternative to help deal with flying units. (Grey Talon, Vindicta)

Superior Stamina3500
Warp Stone3000
Boundless Spirit6200
Debuff Reducer1250
Debuff Remover3000
Vampiric Burst6200