This build was created by RinaVX. To find it in game, search for "Mobalytics - Bullet Dance Haze by Rina VX". (BuildID: 47444)
If you want to make the most of playing around Haze's ultimate, this is the build for you. Head to this build instead if you want a left-click Haze build.
Early Game
Spirit Strike is one of the best ways to harass with the use of Sleep Dagger. Combo Sleep Dagger and Heavy Punch to do some big damage!
Ammo Scavenger is now really strong, due to recent buffs and since it works on jungle camps, we will now greatly benefit from its increased Spirit and Magazine Size.
Mid Game
We want to go light on the items for the mid game, as the majority of our power comes from Ricochet. Bullet Dance with Ricochet and Unstoppable is one of the best ways to wipe an entire team!
Swift Striker, Combat Barrier, and Bullet Resist Shredder are very cost effective items to increase our fire rate and increase our overall damage
Late Game
Once we obtain Ricochet and Unstoppable, we want to buff our Bullet Dance as much as possible.
With items such as Improved Reach, Improved Cooldown, and Superior Duration, everyone will melt in our path!
Veil Walker and Enchanter's Barrier will help our overall survivability and give us another way to stealth in to engage with our Bullet Dance.
Situational Items
Silencer will further improve our ult by also Silencing everyone that gets caught in it.
Divine Barrier will also make our Bullet Dance an even lower cooldown and give us a huge chunk of survivability!