Deathy's Brawling Lash Build
This build was created by Deathy. To find it in game, search for "Deathy's Brawling Lash" (BuildID: 79175)
This build revolves around a brawling style for Lash. You'll start with two points in Ground Strike , one point in Grapple , and one in Flog. Then, max your Flog before one last point in Ground Strike. After that, it's up to you!
Be sure to watch Deathy's video guide for a detailed look at how to pilot the build.
Early Game
Buy these from left to right
Headshot Booster and Hollow Point Ward help you apply early pressure and even get far ahead in some matchups.
Use Flog off cooldown to maximize your trades and sustain.
Mystic Burst and Extra Charge give you more ganking and kill potential.
If you're facing a tough matchup, consider building 1-2 options between Healing Rite, Extra Regen, and Melee Lifesteal.
Mid Game
Buy these from left to right as well.
Slowing Hex is very useful for the ability to catch opponents while ganking. The sprint speed it gives is also nice.
Healing Booster as well as Spirit Armor and Bullet Armor allow you to feel incredibly tanky, especially if you hit multiple heroes with a flog.
Headhunter gives you a ton of damage and even more sustain on-top of it. The healing is affected by Healing Booster.
Quicksilver Reload gives you +65 damage on most of your Flog, making it very slot effective. The reload and fire rate are a nice bonus.
Late Game
All good items on Lash for Late Game, just depends on your needs.
Situational Items
All situational depending on any issues you're facing.