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Zenless Zone Zero Best Teams & Team Building Guide

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Zenless Zone Zero Best Teams

Welcome to our article covering the best teams in Zenless Zone Zero. Teambuilding is a crucial aspect in gacha games as you need to manage your resources and make the best with what you have available.

If you don’t know which characters to invest resources into, you can check out our ZZZ Tier List.

Since the game has yet to officially release, we’ll mainly be covering team synergies based on the Attributes and Factions of Agents.

As more time passes, we’ll have a better understanding of which teams stand out compared to others in terms of damage. There are a few assumptions we can make in terms of meta, but anything can happen once the game releases.

To break down the teams, we’ll be looking at four main categories:

  • Mono Attribute Teams
  • Faction Based Teams
  • Disorder Teams
  • F2P Teams

ZZZ Mono Attribute Teams

Teambuilding in ZZZ heavily incentivizes pairing Agents with the same Faction or Attribute. This activates their Additional Ability, providing strong passives/buffs.

Mono Attribute teams also excel at applying one type of Attribute Anomaly. Effects like Burn (Fire), Shock (Electric), etc often synergize with Drive Disc effects, leading to increased damage.

Let’s look at potential teams for each Attribute.

Mono Fire Teams

Ben Portrait S


Koleda Portrait S


Zenless Zone Zero Lucy Portrait S


Soldier 11 Portrait S

Soldier 11

Looking at the roster of Fire Agents, we have a solid spread of Specialties. Koleda and Soldier 11 are S Rank Agents, and while having both can be very good, you can definitely make teams without both.

Realistically, any combination of 3 Fire Agents will work. Just keep in mind that Koleda works better with Ben, but it’s not a requirement.

Zenless Zone Zero Mono Fire Team Zenless Zone Zero Mono Fire Lucy Team
Zenless Zone Zero Koleda Lucy Team Zenless Zone Zero Mono Fire No Stun Team

Recommended Bangboos: Rocketboo (S), Cryboo (A)

Mono Electric Teams

Anby Portrait S


Anton Portrait S


Grace Portrait S


Rina Portrait S


For Electric Agents, we have a similar situation of 4 Agents with varying roles. The main difference is that we only have an A Rank Attack Agent, Anton. This potentially means that your team’s damage will suffer compared to other Attribute teams that have an S Rank Attack Agent.

However, Grace is an Anomaly Agent, meaning you can look to build Electric teams with Anomaly Stats instead of Crit stats. These types of teams want Electric Agents that apply a lot of Electric DMG to build up Anomaly.

Just as with Fire, putting together any 3 Electric units should make a decent team. You’ll have a stronger team with both Grace and Rina, but obtaining both S Rank Agents isn’t easy.

Grace Anby Rina Team Zenless Zone Zero Mono Electric Team
Anton Anby Rina Team Anton Anby Grace Team

Recommended Bangboos: Plugboo (S), Electroboo (A)

Mono Ice Teams

Ellen Portrait S


Lycaon Portrait S


Soukaku Portait S


When it comes to the Ice Attribute, we only have 3 Agents to work with. As such, there’s only one potential team of 3 Ice Agents. Even still, this team will likely be one of the most powerful on launch. Ellen is the first Limited Agent, and her damage will likely outperform other Attack Agents.

Lycaon is also an S Rank Agent, pairing with Ellen for a strong combo. Lastly, Soukaku is a featured A Rank on Ellen’s Banner, meaning you’ll likely get one copy of her while pulling for Ellen.

If you start the game and pull Lycaon, going for Ellen will provide a lot of value for your account.

Zenless Zone Zero Mono Ice Ellen Team

Recommended Bangboos: Butler (S), Sharkboo (S), Penguinboo (A)

Mono Physical Teams

Billy Portrait S


Corin Portrait S


Nekomata Portrait S


Piper Portrait S


While the Physical roster also has 4 Agents, 3 of them share the same Fighting Style: Attack. This makes team building quite awkward. While you can definitely put 3 Physical Agents together to trigger Assault constantly, it feels more natural to do 2 Physical + 1 Flex Agent.

Nicole or Lucy are both solid 3rd options along with Physical Attack + Piper. Even still, it’s possible triple Physical is viable if you build two Agents with Anomaly and focus on one with traditional Crit/ATK stats.

This team will likely be stronger once a better third option can replace Corin like a Physical Support/Defense Agent.

Zenless Zone Zero Mono Physical Team Nekomata Corin Piper

Recommended Bangboos: Starterboo (S), Luckyboo (A)

Mono Ether Teams

Nicole Portrait S

Zhu Yuan Portrait S
Zhu Yuan

Unfortunately, there are only two Ether Agents thus far. Furthermore, Zhu Yuan won’t be available until 7/24 as the second Limited Banner of Version 1.0. Even further, Zhu Yuan currently has no other Faction members in the game. This makes team building quite limited.

However, this doesn’t mean you can’t build a strong team. You’ll just need to add a useful third unit. Anby is a natural inclusion as she provides the Stun Specialty and pairs with Nicole’s Faction. There are other potential teams as well, but more on that later.

Zenless Zone Zero Zhu Yuan Ether Team

Recommended Bangboos: Resonaboo (S), Devilboo (A)

ZZZ Faction Teams

Overall, Faction based teams tend to be situational compared to Mono Attribute teams. The Mono Attribute teams tend to have kits that synergize with one another. For some Factions, you can build synergistic teams, but they aren’t always better than Mono Attribute.

For example, if we look at Victoria Housekeeping, you can run Ellen (Attack), Lycaon (Stun), and Rina (Support). However, Soukaku (Ice) synergizes more with the team than Rina.

As such, I won’t be covering every Faction based team, but rather point out some notable ones.

Cunning Hares

Nekomata Anby Nicole Team

Nekomata, Anby, Nicole

This team is notable because you already receive two of the Agents for free, making this team very accessible. If you pull Nekomata from the Standard Banner, you already have the makings for a solid team.

Nicole is a strong and flexible support, while Anby provides some utility through Daze/Stun. Nekomata is the main DPS of the team, but you can also run Billy and run the true Free Team.

Belobog Heavy Industries

Zenless Zone Zero Belobog Disorder Team

Koleda, Ben, Grace

The Belobog Faction also has decent spread with Agents. For the most part, you can combine any of the 4 and have a mostly functional team. Even Anton, Koleda, and Ben still combine for Attack, Stun, and Defense, which is a perfectly reasonable team setup.

For this highlighted team, we have Grace who can apply lots of Electric Anomaly, triggering Disorder. However, Koleda and Ben don’t have the best Fire application, so this type of Disorder team may not be ideal. Let’s expand on this concept below.

ZZZ Disorder Teams

Disorder is an Attribute Anomaly mechanic that triggers when you inflict two different types of Anomaly on the enemy. This will trigger Disorder, removing the first Anomaly, dealing damage, and inflicting Daze.

This mechanic is reminiscent of things like Elemental Mastery from Genshin or Break/DoT from HSR.

We don’t know the exact amount of damage or Daze, but assuming the numbers are sufficient, you can build around this mechanic and omit running a Stun Agent.

Instead, you will focus on Anomaly stats and Attribute application, allowing Disorder to carry the team’s damage and Daze. We don’t know currently if Disorder teams are stronger than Mono Attribute, but it opens up more options and playstyles for those wanting it.

As of right now, there are two Anomaly Agents in the game:

Grace Portrait S


Piper Portrait S


If you are looking to build a Disorder, team, having one or both of these Agents will lead to the best results. Since they are Anomaly, they will have higher base Anomaly stats and kits that synergize with Anomaly.

Piper Disorder Teams

Zenless Zone Zero Nekomata Sons of Calydon Team Zenless Zone Zero Piper Fire Team

Let’s first look at Piper Disorder teams. While Physical Anomaly (Assault) might not deal the most damage, it also inflicts Daze. This, when compounded with the Daze from Disorder, can lead to strong teams without a Stun Agent.

Since Piper is from Sons of Calydon, pairing her with Lucy is natural. Lucy deals a lot of Fire DMG with her Boars, leading to good Fire application and Burn.

With this duo, we can then look to utilize either a Physical or Fire Attribute Agent for our third slot. Soldier 11 deals a lot of Fire DMG with her kit, so she is promising. As for Physical, Nekomata/Billy/Corin may perform somewhat similarly.

It’s unclear whether building the whole team with Anomaly stats is strong, or if building Nekomata/Soldier 11 with traditional Crit/ATK stats is better.

Grace Disorder Teams

Zenless Zone Zero Disorder Soldier 11 Ben Grace Team Zenless Zone Zero Corin Disorder Team

Here are two examples of some Disorder teams with Grace (speculation). In terms of teammates, Ben (Fire/Defense) and Rina (Electric/Support) both are solid and allow you to expand into the Fire Attribute/Victoria Housekeeping Agents respectively.

As mentioned, Soldier 11 applies a decent amount of Fire, while Grace carries the Electric load. As for the second team, we have both Rina and Grace applying Electric DMG, with Corin as the final piece.

Corin being a Physical Agent is quite impactful for Anomaly. By default many Agent attacks/skills deal Physical DMG, with some dealing other Attribute DMG.

As such, Corin deals only Physical DMG. This is very worthwhile as you get to apply more Physical Anomaly on enemies with her entire kit. The Assault Anomaly will also inflict Daze, which softens the blow from not running any Stun Agents.

Grace + Piper

Unfortunately, there is no connective Agent to activate both Grace and Piper’s Additional Ability. You can throw in an Electric/Physical Agent to choose one, but you won’t be able to activate both for now.

Zenless Zone Zero Piper Rina Grace Team

Nicole Disorder Team

Nicole Portrait S

There is one more Agent I want to talk about when it comes to Disorder based teams. Nicole isn’t an Anomaly unit, but she is Ether, which allows her to run the Chaotic Metal Drive Disc.

Nicole Portrait S (2): Increases Ether DMG by 10%.
(4): Whenever a squad member inflicts Corruption on an enemy, that enemy takes 18% more damage for 12s. Passive effects of the same name do not stack.

This Drive Disc debuffs the enemy whenever a Squad member inflicts Corruption (Ether Attribute Anomaly). This is one of the few ways to further scale the damage of Anomaly. Since Anomaly doesn’t scale with things like Crit/ATK, there is generally a ceiling these teams can reach.

While Anomaly may be efficient in terms of resources to strength, traditional Crit/ATK builds often are the strongest with enough investment.

By adding Nicole to a team, we add another Agent that can help scale the damage of Anomaly/Disorder teams. While I won’t go into every possibility, here are a few examples:

Zenless Zone Zero Zhu Yuan Disorder Team Zenless Zone Zero Nekomata Disorder Team
Zenless Zone Zero Electric Disorder Team Zenless Zone Zero Anton Disorder Team

For these teams, you won’t be able to activate every Additional Ability except for the Nekomata Piper team. While this means the team’s aren’t ideal, they may still be quite powerful in practice.

ZZZ F2P Teams

Lastly, let’s cover “F2P” teams. It’s difficult to define what a F2P team looks like. Does it need to have only A Rank Agents? Or does it only have one S Rank Agent?

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter too much what defines it. What matters is that you’re able to build a strong team with what you have.

I hope that by at this point of the article I’ve given you plenty of ideas on how to team build. With all this information, you can definitely look to build teams based on your own account.

You may not be able to synergize perfectly and activate every Additional Ability, but try to fill in missing pieces with what you have.

Zenless Zone Zero Ben F2P Team

For example, this team has all the makings of a synergistic team. Anton is Attack, Anby is Stun, and Ben is Defense. Every Additional Ability is active, and you likely can do decently well with this type of team.

Will this team outperform other teams with S Rank Agents? Probably not. But it still functions.

Zenless Zone Zero Koleda F2P Team

Maybe you have an S Rank, but not the perfect pieces to surround it. In this case, we have Koleda, but no Ben or Lucy to take the final spot. In this case, you can simply add Nicole as a solid all-around Support Agent and have a decent team.

It would take too long to list every single team possibility, but these are just guidelines to help you build with what you have.

Closing Words

This wraps up our initial article on the best teams in Zenless Zone Zero and how to team build. Without the official release, we can’t in good faith claim that one team or the other will be the best in the game.

These are simply suggestions based on the gameplay/testing done on the CBT. As we learn more about the game, we’ll be sure to update this article with more meta consideration.

This article assumed you have a basic understanding of the combat in ZZZ. If you need a refresher or you’re completely new, be sure to check out our ZZZ Combat Guide.

If you want to see our recommendations for Agents, be sure to check out our Zenless Zone Zero Tier List. 

Thanks for Reading! For more resources, be sure to check out our other Zenless Zone Zero Guides.