Teamfight TacticsGuides

TFT Set 13: 2-Cost Reroll Guide – Camille / Tristana / Nocturne

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How to Play 1 Cost Reroll in TFT Set 13: Camille, Tristana, and Nocturne Comps

The first week of the new TFT Set 13 is out and three 2-cost reroll comps have become common and placed well for top players. Throughout the set there will likely be playable or even strong 2 cost rerolls so it is important for new as well as seasoned players to know how to properly play and optimize 2 cost reroll.

In this article, I, Silverfuse will be going over basic and advanced tips of when to play 2 cost reroll, itemization, economy, leveling, augments, anomaly selection, team comp examples, and how to win with a 2 cost reroll comp.

If you have not already read my article on How to Play 1 Cost Reroll, be sure to check it out.

What Units to Reroll?

tft set 13 camille

It can be hard to know when to play 2 Cost Reroll especially when a comp isn’t overpowered in the meta. The first thing players need to know is which 3-star 2 costs are worth rerolling for.

Generally, these are carries that can be melee or ranged but generally aren’t tanks. These units usually have at least one trait that benefits them as a carry as well. For example, Camille is a melee carry with two offensive traits, Enforcer and Ambusher.

When to Play 2 Cost Reroll in TFT Set 13

The best time to play 2 Cost Reroll is when it is uncontested as well is known to be strong. You should scout before deciding a line by checking other player’s boards and trying to determine what direction they are leaning toward in the game.

Before committing to a 2 cost reroll, you should make sure your items fit the unit you want to reroll well. Additionally, it’s helpful to either have a unit or two of the desired reroll unit or to natural them in stage 2. The good news about 2 cost reroll is that you have time to decide if you want to commit to it and don’t get penalized as harshly as you might for playing 1 Cost Reroll.


TFT Basic Items

Itemization for 2 cost units tends to be a bit more flexible compared to 1 cost units. Because a 3-star 2 has a lot more natural power in it than a 3-star 1 cost is one of the reasons where you don’t always need to have perfect itemization.

Generally, the itemization of melee carries consists of at least one healing item such as Bloodthirster or Hand of Justice, plus additional items that offer a bit of defense and damage mix such as Titan’s Resolve, Sterak’s Gage, Quick Silver, or Edge of Night for additional survivability. Some builds might use two healing items as well or opt for a damage item such as Giant Slayer or Infinity Edge.

Some sample Camille builds are:

  • Hand of Justice, Titan’s Resolve, and Edge of Night.
  • Another is Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice, and Titan’s Resolve.

Generally, you will want three items that work well and benefit from each other as well as give your melee carry some survivability.

Similar can be said for ranged carries such as Tristana – you want three items that go well with each other and the unit’s ability. Tristana’s ability packs a big punch and is more of a caster than a flat auto attacker at times which makes Infinity Edge much stronger on her than plain auto attackers. She also does want to attack frequently so Guinsoo is quite good on her as well. Her final item can be Last Whisper if you are in need of Sunder and don’t have another way of getting it. However, she can also use a Giantslayer, Deathblade, or other damage items too. Since Tristana is more cast based and not attack speed based, it is a bad idea to stack too much attack speed on her such as two Guinsoo’s while other carries might benefit from the additional attack speed, this makes Tristana’s ult too weak.

It is important to know the general way to itemize carries to get the most out of them. You don’t always need to have perfect items, but you should have 3 items that work well with each other that can benefit the unit.


Economy is one of the most asked questions in TFT as it can often make or break a game and it isn’t always straightforward. The first stage of TFT is often one of the most important ones as your economy in the early game can decide the fate of the rest of your game including if you are able to hit your 3-star 2 cost champion or not.

In the early game, Stage 2, you will want to accumulate as much economy as you can. This can be done in two main ways: Streaking and Interest. By win streaking or lose streaking you will be able to gain plenty of gold so you can reliably hit your 3-star unit. If you have a strong board with multiple upgrades and a strong slammable item that feeds into your planned comp, then you can consider looking to win streak in stage 2.

If you have a 3 win streak, you will need to scout and look to go to level 5 to continue your win streak as well as slamming an item that you are able to make from the carousel if possible. However, if someone in the lobby is stronger than you it’s best to not level and save gold and be happy with your 3 win streak even if your win streak gets broken.

A 3 win streak is much more gold compared to someone losing, winning, and losing again as they don’t obtain any streak gold and only a single gold from a won fight plus interest. This puts you ahead even if it wasn’t an ideal 5 win streak. If you have a 5 win streak, the game just got much easier for you.

The other reliable way of making a lot of gold is by Loss Streaking and aggressively making interest points by making 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 gold increments which give you additional gold. You should not be pressing the level button if you are loss streaking as it is a waste of gold and there is a chance you become too strong by accident and ruin your streak.

Reroll comps require a lot of gold so making interest points leads to a lot of extra gold quickly. Ideally, by Kruggs at 2-7 you should have around 40 gold or more. Thirty gold can be doable as long as Kruggs drop some additional gold and you are able to make 40 gold interest at Kruggs.

Leveling Part 1

TFT Stage 3 Before Wolves

Whether you are level 4 from loss streaking or level 5 from win streaking, you should be looking to go to level 6 on stage 3-2. This is what is known as “perfect interval” as you don’t waste any extra gold on leveling since you level on a stage where the amount of gold is even with the amount of xp you gain from leveling.

At this point, you should be evaluating your board, economy, and life total. If you have been winning fights your board is already likely strong enough where your goal is to get back to 50 gold if you are not already there and start slow rolling above 50 gold to star starring up your units.

If you have pairs of units you plan to play you should be taking a few rolls to make your board and stage 3 a bit stronger, but I would not advise that you roll below 30 gold as this makes it harder for you to keep your economy up.

If you have been loss streaking you should be plenty rich, but you may have to roll a bit aggressively to make a board that allows you to start winning some fights and keeps you from bleeding out. You need to roll for some critical upgrades and for a unit that holds your carry items well – ideally a 2 star of the unit you plan to 3 star. After you have made a board that can hold its own, be sure to econ back up to 50 gold where you will start slow rolling above 50 gold for your units from there.

When to Send It?

The general rule of thumb is once you have 8 copies of a unit, especially your carry with items that you want to roll deep even if you lose econ. This is because the spike you get from a 3 star is worth a lot more than having a few extra gold. On top of this, it allows you to preserve your health while pressuring the rest of the lobby with your higher strength board. This might happen at stage 3 but generally doesn’t happen until stage 4.

Leveling Part 2

TFT Stage 4 Before Raptors

By stage 4-1 you should have your 3 star 2 cost even if it requires you digging deep into your gold and rolling down. You need to be strong at this point in the game or else you will just bleed out in the later stages of the game. Once you have hit the unit you are looking for, it is time to econ up and in some cases push levels toward 7 then 8 to start rounding out your comp.

If you were to have 30 gold after a level up then the right choice is to level. This is because you don’t lose much gold for the level. Do not overgreed by thinking that you need to have 50 gold every time you level up. This will often be too greedy and cause you to lose 20+ health for no reason just for a few extra slivers of gold.

What if I Miss My 3-Star 2 Cost?

Usually this means that something went wrong with your economy in the early game although unlucky games do happen. I would say this is less than 5 percent of the time though. If this becomes a regular occurrence then a couple questions to ask yourself are:

  • Was I contested?
  • Were my opening items good?
  • Was my economy good?
  • Did I naturally have any of the 2 costs I wanted?
  • Could I have saved more health in the early game through better positioning?

The reality is, there will always be things that you could have improved on and sometimes the game punishes us harder for a mistake while other times we might get lucky and get the items we wanted or hit the unit early even if we played suboptimally. That can be one of the frustrating things about TFT is the variance. There can be times we play really well and miss and other times we play sloppy but hit easily and win out.

However, don’t attest the outcome of the game to being unlucky because there is something you definitely could have done better each game. Having a growth mindset in TFT if you want to improve is incredibly important and brushing everything off as bad luck is a quick way to not improve at the game.

TFT Set 13 Reroll Augment Strategy

TFT Hextech Augments

Generally, augments for reroll tend to be Economy, Combat, Combat. As you want the economy early to help hit your 3 star followed by double combat to benefit the 3 star that you hit.

Sometimes players might opt for Combat that fits the reroll unit well first into Economy to help hit the unit into ending with another Combat which is also fine.

Generally, double or triple economy augments are not recommended for 1 or 2 cost reroll because the board that you hit does not have the strength to make up for the lack of multiple combat augments your opponents might have. Although the Anomaly can help pick up some slack.

Anomaly Selection

Anomaly selection is tricky as it will change patch by patch. Generally, you will want to upgrade your 3 star with very rare exceptions. Currently, there are some that are really broken such as Camille and Invisibility.

I have seen top players roll 50 gold for Invisibility on Camille and still place top 2.

This generally shouldn’t be the case as the Anomalies are more balanced in the future. Generally, you want to see if your unit is dealing Magic or Physical damage and get an anomaly that benefits their damage. There is also an Anomaly that makes a 3 star unit a 4 star which is also an option for these comps.

How to Win Out?

Similar to 3-Star 1 cost comps the way to win out is hitting early and easily and being able to push for levels and hit legendary units. In some cases it might also be getting additional 3 star units depending on the meta. Generally, legendaries are strong and playing around them will be strong as well as cost effective. (Or even the upcoming 6-cost champions)

Some units might also highly benefit from traits that only 4 or 5 cost units can give them which is another reason why pushing levels can be beneficial. For example, Camille reroll wants to play 5 Ambusher when possible but without an Ambusher Emblem in order to get 5 Ambusher you need to have Jinx on your board who is a 5 cost unit.

TFT Set 13 Sample 2-Cost Reroll Comps

TFT Set 13 Ambusher Camille Reroll

tft set 13 camille reroll team comp

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Ambusher Camille has proven to be strong at the start of the set along with Smeech being a strong carry as well. This means while slow rolling at level 6 you will also want to pick up Smeechs as well. You are not required to make Smeech 3, but if you are able to along with good itemization for him this board becomes hard to beat.

TFT Set 13 Nocturne Akali Quickstriker Reroll

tft set 13 nocturne akali reroll team comp

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This comp is a bit different than the typical push levels to play around legendaries reroll comp as it relies on starring up multiple 2 cost units. This means that you will want to stay level 6 for longer and continuously look for Akali and Nocturne the most while hitting others such as Sett with tank items can be impactful as well.

The only 4 cost you are looking for is Ambessa so leveling does not have as much power as 3 starring 2 cost units does. Prioritize itemization Nocturne in this comp followed by Akali. Tank items go on Sett.

TFT Set 13 Tristana Artillerist Reroll

tft set 13 tristana reroll team comp

[Link to Builder]

This comp focuses on the main carry of Tristana along with Corki. However, if you have the items or hit Urgot early he can also be a secondary carry. While rerolling at level 6 you should be looking to 3 star Tristana, Rell, and Urgot. With Tristana being the main priority followed by Rell as she is the main tank. Same goes for item prioritization is Tristana and Rell so that you have a tank as well as damage in your team. Urgot can do just fine with a Thief’s Glove if you have the chance.

Once you hit your units, you will want to push levels and play around Corki, Ambessa, and Garen. You will want to play 4 Emissary this way. The final piece is Rumble who gives Scrap and Sentinel to your final board.

Two cost reroll is important for any TFT player to have in their back pocket as most sets there is a time where 2 cost reroll is overpowered. As well as if you are naturalling copies of a 2 cost unit early, it can be very beneficial to know how to play around 2 cost reroll into pushing levels for a high capped board.

See you next time,