Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Incantor

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How to Play Incantor — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

Welcome to our trait guide, where we’ll be covering the new Set 12 TFT trait: Incantor.

In this guide, we’ll explain how Incantor works, cover the different champions, provide notable Augment choices, and cover some potential team comps.

Explore all of the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Incantor Works

TFT Set 12 Incantor

Incantor Trait Bonus

Your team gains 10 Ability Power. When Incantors attack or cast they gain stacks of Ability Power up to a max of 20. Attacks grant 1 stack, and casts grant 3 stacks.

  • (2) 2 per stack
  • (4) 5 per stack

Incantor’s get a fairly simply bonus from their traits. As they attack/cast, they’ll gain additional Ability Power, up to a cap. This makes Attack Speed/AP items like Nashor’s Tooth very strong on these champions.

The entire team will also get a little bit of AP, so it’s a decent trait to splash into team comps as well. The main issue is that the Incantor units generally don’t provide too much utility/frontline, and are mainly carry type units.

Incantor Synergy

Here are all of the Incantor Champions and their other traits:

  • Ziggs (1G) – Honeymancy
  • Cassiopeia (1G) – Witchcraft
  • Syndra (2G) – Eldritch
  • Karma (4G) – Chrono

As expected, with only four units, there isn’t any trait overlap other than Incantor. Similar to AD traits like Blaster or Sniper, having all 4 Incantors will provide a significant damage increase, but makes teambuilding more difficult as the overlap ends there.

There are ways to circumvent this with things like Emblems, but for the most part, going for Incantor (4) is very taxing on your board space. Incantor (2) may be better, but this may not always be the case. Incantor (4) could very well be strong enough offensively to warrant the 4 team slots.

TFT Incantor Champions

Ziggs (1G) – Honeymancy

TFT Set 12 Ziggs Ability

[See Ziggs’s Champion Page]

First up, we have Ziggs as the 1-cost Incantor. His ability targets the farthest enemy, but will explode upon hitting an enemy, similar to units like Caitlyn in the past.

Since Ziggs’ ability deals AoE damage, it can be quite good as an item holder early on or even as a reroll carry. Hopefully his bee bounces fast enough so enemies can’t walk and dodge it by accident.

Cassiopeia (1G) – Witchcraft

TFT Set 12 Cassiopeia Ability

[See Cassiopeia’s Champion Page]

Cassiopeia is one of two 2-cost Incantors, and her ability is quite unique. Her ability turns her auto attacks into magic damage, making her an auto attack based AP carry.

Items like Guinsoo’s Rageblade will be great, as she scales with Attack Speed and AP. This ability also plays into the Incantor trait very well. The faster Cassiopeia attacks, the sooner she will gain max stacks of the Incantor buff.

Syndra (2G) – Eldritch

TFT Set 12 Syndra Ability

[See Syndra’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have Syndra as the other 2-cost Incantor. Since there are two 2-cost units with the Incantor trait, this opens up a potential reroll comp. Syndra is a ramping carry, and as she casts, she will upgrade her ability.

This turns her into a scaling carry, similar to the likes of Veigar. The sooner you find her, the better. Getting an early Syndra can be a sign to try to reroll and play around her.

Karma (4G) – Chrono

TFT Set 12 Karma Ability

[See Karma’s Champion Page]

Lastly, we have Karma. As it stands, the Chrono trait doesn’t particularly synergize with the other Incantor units. There may be opportunities to flex Karma into comps for both of her traits, but that remains to be seen.

As a 4-cost, there is also the potential to play around Karma as your main carry or secondary carry. If you don’t hit Syndra and Cassiopeia 3, Karma can be your backup carry as a higher-cost unit.

Her ability does provide some utility, healing allies when she scores takedowns on enemies with her ability. This is a nice bonus, but not necessarily the shining factor of her kit. She’ll mainly be there to provide additional damage.

Best TFT Incantor Augments

Incantor Crest/Crown


Gain an Incantor Emblem and a Syndra.

As previously mentioned, the 4 Incantor bonus is very strong, but requires too many team slots. The main issue is that Ziggs becomes a useless unit in the late game, only there to provide his Incantor trait. (Outside of a potential Ziggs reroll comp)

With an Emblem, you can play around Cassiopeia and Syndra, adding Karma as a solid third Incantor.

The Emblem also provides a strong bonus to the holder, granting them extra AP as they attack.

Defensive Arts


Incantor spell damage reduces enemy damage by 10% for 2 seconds. At max Incantor stacks, Incantors gain 10 Mana every 2 seconds. Gain a Ziggs and a Syndra. Can’t get offered at stage 2-1.

Defensive Arts is an interesting Augment for the Incantor trait. It provides defensive utility by debuffing enemy damage. This can be quite good, but if you can’t hit the enemy backline, the value will be subpar against backline carry teams.

Once you reach max stacks, Incantors will gain Mana, which is quite nice, but Incantors are already scaling units by nature. You can double down into this strength, making your team scale very well, but it doesn’t cover up your weaknesses as much.

The defensive utility can be good to prolong fights, but it can be hit or miss. Overall, the Augment is interesting, but I’m not too sold on it just yet.

TFT Incantor Team Comps

As of writing this article, the PBE has yet to even release yet. While I was fortunate enough to participate in the playtest for Set 12, we definitely need more time to test/theorycraft team comps.

Be sure to check back as I’ll be updating this section with potential Incantor team comps. We also will be updating our TFT Team Comps page as our team plays the PBE.

Syndra/Cassiopeia Reroll Team Comp

TFT Set 12 Syndra Cassiopeia Incantor Reroll Team Comp

[Link to Builder]

This team comp is an example level 9 board that rerolls for Syndra and Cassiopeia. Neeko is a solid frontline unit with Witchcraft and Shapeshifter, while Elise is a nice 1-cost with Shapeshifter/Eldritch.

Nilah is a potential 3rd reroll target as the Eldritch and Warrior traits both synergize with the team. This lets you itemize Fiora as a frontline “fighter” carry with Witchcraft/Warrior.

Ziggs, Karma, and Morgana round out the team comp and fill out more traits while adding damage to the team. My concern with this team is the potential lack of frontline. It’s very possible that you want to go for more Shapeshifters instead of 4 Incantor.

Also, before level 9, you will need to give up something while at level 8. Losing Morgana means losing a strong unit and Witchraft 4. Or you can drop Karma/Ziggs, but you’ll go back down to Incantor 2.

There’s definitely optimizations to be made for this team comp. This is just a potential look at what an Incantor 4 team can look like.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 12, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 12 Reveal Page.