Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Frost

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How to Play Frost — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

Silverfuse here and welcome to our Set 12 trait guide series, where I will cover the TFT Frost trait!

I’ll dive into how the trait works, the champions to play in it, and what team comps to play with the trait!

See the other the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Frost Works

Frost Trait Bonus

TFT Set 12 Frost 14.16

Frost champions freeze the first enemies that die into allied ice soldiers. Enemies will prioritize attacking ice soldiers within range when retargeting. Frost champions also gain Ability Power and Attack Damage. Soldiers have 200 Health per stage.

  • (3) 16 AP/AD, 1 statue
  • (5) 35 AP/AD, 2 statues
  • (7) 50 AP/AD, 3 statues, statues explode on death
  • (9) 80 AP/AD, 5 statues, explosion power doubles

Frost is quite the unique trait. You get to turn enemy champions into statues to tank additional damage for the team. The AD/AP bonus is also nice, and a good bonus for going vertical.

Frost Synergy

Here are the traits of the Frost that give the opportunity to create trait webs:

  • Twitch (1G) – Hunter
  • Warwick (1G) – Vanguard
  • Zilean (2G) – Chrono, Preserver
  • Hwei (3G) – Blaster
  • Swain (3G) – Shapeshifter
  • Olaf (4G) – Hunter
  • Diana (5G) – Bastion

An important thing to note is that Twitch and Olaf share the Hunter trait which only requires two units to be active. As Olaf is a 4 cost carry of the comp, this makes it easy to play around Olaf and Twitch in the Frost comp as they have built in shared synergies with each other.

There are also other options such as playing Hwei Ezreal Blaster carries reroll along with Swain and Neeko reroll. This is a solid comp to reroll on level 7 with solid synergy and plenty of units to buy on level 7 making each reroll valuable.

Frost Champions

Twitch (1G) – Frost + Hunter

TFT Set 12 Twitch

[See Twitch’s Champion Page]

Twitch is an AD Carry that can be rerolled with Warwick and Kog’maw if desired. Plus another frost champion if you want to go Twitch carry. He has great synergy with Olaf as well as his ability Ice Shard gives 20% sunder. This means he also wants to be attacking the same unit Olaf is attacking if you don’t have another form of sunder on the board.

Warwick (1G) – Frost + Vanguard

TFT Set 12 Warwick

[See Warwick’s Champion Page]

Warwick is a potentially strong printed unit that will likely have a patch where Warwick reroll will be really strong. Otherwise, he is a front line trait bot for the Frost trait.

Zilean (2G) – Frost + Chrono, Preserver

TFT Set 12 Zilean

[See Zilean’s Champion Page]

Zilean is a stun bot of the comp with his ability Time Bomb and is a big reason to keep him in the comp even in the late game as he offers the team utility. His traits Chrono and Preserver are also strong if you are able to splash them in.

Hwei (3G) – Frost + Blaster

TFT Set 12 Hwei

[See Hwei’s Champion Page]

Hwei paints a lightning bolt striking the target. After a short delay, the bolt strikes, dealing damage to the target and reducing damage to the adjacent enemies.

Every third cast, paint 2 extra bolts on the lowest percent Health enemies. Hwei’s ability helps clean up low health enemies and being a 3 cost Blaster along with Ezreal makes them primary targets for rerolling at 7 with 5 Frost units that is fairly stable in the mid game.

Swain (3G) – Frost + Shapeshifter

TFT Set 12 Swain

[See Swain’s Champion Page]

Swain’s ability Blizzard makes him transform and gain max health. Subsequent casts release a cone of lightning towards teh target, dealing magic damage to enemies hit and granting additional max health. Rerolling Swain to be a main tank is very strong in this comp.

Olaf (4G) – Frost + Hunter

TFT Set 12 Olaf

[See Olaf’s Champion Page]

Olaf is the main AD carry of the comp with the ability Ragnarok which has two effects. His passive gives every 4 attacks or if not in the range of the target, leap at them and do a slam that deals physical damage to the target and adjacent enemies.

The active part of the trait is: every 4 seconds gain attack speed, omnivamp, and crowd control immunity.

These abilities are important as he is not stuck running around and chasing enemies but rather leaps at them while being immune to crowd control while healing. Making him tough to kill!

Diana (5G) – Frost + Bastion

TFT Set 12 Diana

[See Diana’s Champion Page]

Diana is the main tank of the comp if you are able to get to her with Bastion giving her magic resistance and armor. Her ability, Snowfall, gives her the ability to dash within 2 hexes to hit the most enemies and heal.

After a brief delay, she deals magic damage split among enemies within 2 hexes and creates a snowfall that heals all allies for over 3 secfonds. Excess healing becomes a shield that lasts 3 seconds.

Best TFT Frost Augments

Frost Crest and Frost Crown


The Frost emblems help you reach the Frost increments earlier and help you stay strong in the mid game. They also give you the possibility of reaching 9 Frost especially as one of the charms in the game offers you a spatula. To get to 9 Frost you need 2 Frost spatulas.

Anger Issues


Anger Issues is a new, unique augment that changes all your completed items into Guinsoo’s Rageblades that grant armor and magic resist. Each stack also grants attack damage and ability power.

These Ragebaldes can work well on Olaf who has natural omnivamp, Twitch who is able to naturally sunder enemies, and the rest of units can use them well including tanks due to the resistance stats the Rageblades now give.



At 2-1 Placebo gives gold that helps give your economy a head start so you are able to either reroll Swain and Hwei or are more easily able to 8 and 9 for Olaf and Diana.

Support Sentinel I & II


Support Golem has a random support items on them which is impactful for this comp as there are multiple strong units and potential carries which can benefit from the support items.

Frosty Frontline


The Frost trait additionally grants one placeable Frost Statue equipped with the Eternal WInter that gains health for each Frost trait tier. The first time it would die, it instead regenerates health if an ally is alive. This one is straightforward that if the augment is balanced then it should fit well into the Frost comp!

TFT Frost Team Comps

For this section, I’ll go over some team comps that utilize the Frost trait. Keep in mind that metas shift quickly, and things will change as patches come and go.

To stay up to date on the best team comps, be sure to check our our full TFT Tier List covering all the best comps.

Many comps are able to flex Frost easily with Zilean and Diana. Diana is a strong 5-cost tank while Zilean has the Preserver trait, which is a great utility trait.

The third Frost unit can be anything that compliments your team like Hwei for Blaster, Swain for Shapeshifter, Olaf for Hunter, etc.

Vertical Frost Team Comp

TFT Set 12 White Walkers Team Comp 14.16

[Link to Full Guide]

Many comps make use of the Diana + Zilean pairing, but this comp goes all in on Frost. Frost 9 is a fairly attainable vertical since it requires level 9 instead of 10, and you only need one Emblem.

For this comp, we have Varus as the main carry. If you can make a Frost Emblem, Varus will be a great holder. This will grant him a ton of bonus stats, making him even stronger.

Without Varus, you can also consider building around Hwei as your carry, but you’ll need to 3-star him to compete late game.