Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Eldritch

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How to Play Eldritch — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

TFT Set 12, Magic N’ Mayhem, is releasing very soon, and in this guide, we’ll  be covering the new TFT trait: Eldritch.

We’ll go over everything you need to know about Eldritch, like how it works, the different champions, augments, and potential team comps.

Explore all of the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Eldritch Works

Eldritch Trait Bonus

TFT Set 12 Eldritch

When your team loses 20% of their Health, an Old God awakens. Each Eldritch star level increases the Old God’s Health & Ability Power

  • (3) The Tainted Golem
  • (5) The Jet-Black Ibex
  • (7) The Thousand-Pierced Bear
  • (10) The Stormbringer

We’ve seen plenty of summon traits in TFT, and Eldritch is no different. This is basically a return of traits like Cultist from Set 4 or Void from Set 9.

Eldritch is a big vertical trait that summons a powerful Eldritch depending on the trait level and star level of your champions. If you’re going vertical, you likely won’t be 3-starring units, but going for a smaller bonus like (3) or (5) while rerolling for 3 stars can be a viable strategy as well.

Eldritch Synergy

Here are all of the Eldritch Champions and their other traits:

  • Ashe (1G) – Multistriker
  • Elise (1G ) – Shapeshifter
  • Nilah (2G) – Warrior
  • Syndra (2G) – Incantor
  • Mordekaiser (3G) – Vanguard
  • Nami (4G) – Mage
  • Briar (5G) – Ravenous + Shapeshifter

Even though the trait has 7 units, there’s only one class overlap, which is Shapeshifter (Elise/Briar). This combination also doesn’t activate until the late game when you find Briar (5G).

Nami is a 4-cost Mage, so you can look to build around that, but Mage requires 3 units to activate, meaning you can’t easily fit 3 Mage and 7 Eldritch at level 8.

This seemingly makes the Eldritch vertical quite inflexible, and you’ll likely want an Emblem to go for Eldritch (7). There are a lot of ways you can flex the team comp with Eldritch (5), but it’s a notable drop off from 7 to 5 in terms of the summon strength.

TFT Eldritch Champions

Ashe (1G) – Eldritch + Multistriker

TFT Set 12 Ashe Ability

[See Ashe’s Champion Page]

Ashe is a straight forward backline AD damage dealer with a damaging ability. Her Multistriker trait lets her attack more often, and additional Attack Speed helps scale her damage.

Since the Eldritch trait has two 1-cost units, it’s possible for a reroll comp to work, but that will need more testing to know its viability.

Elise (1G ) – Eldritch + Shapeshifter

TFT Set 12 Elise Ability

[See Elise’s Champion Page]

Elise is our next 1-cost unit, and she acts as more of a frontline unit with her Shapeshifter trait. If you’re using mainly Eldritch units without Shapeshifter, Elise definitely loses a lot of her frontline potential.

Elise is also a unit with a Hero Augment, so a reroll Elise comp can potentially work. This comp can build into more Shapeshifters to further empower Elise.

Nilah (2G) – Eldritch + Warrior

TFT Set 12 Nilah Ability

[See Nilah’s Champion Page]

Nilah is a melee damage dealer with movement built into her ability. She grants herself shielding and Attack Speed as she casts, and her kit is largely damage focused.

The Warrior trait can provide her Omnivamp and damage, further empowering her.

Syndra (2G) – Eldritch + Incantor

TFT Set 12 Syndra Ability

[See Syndra’s Champion Page]

Syndra is our next Eldritch unit, and she also has a damage focused ability. As she casts she will gain stacks and empower her ability upon reaching 20/60 stacks.

While this doesn’t provide infinite scaling, getting stacks faster will be important to make Syndra a viable carry.

Mordekaiser (3G) – Eldritch + Vanguard

TFT Set 12 Mordekaiser Ability

[See Mordekaiser’s Champion Page]

 Mordekaiser is the only dedicated tank for the Eldritch trait, so he will be a vital piece if you’re looking to go vertical. His ability is fairly standard, shielding himself and dealing damage.

Nami (4G) – Eldritch + Mage

TFT Set 12 Nami Ability

[See Nami’s Champion Page]

Nami is our 4-cost Eldritch unit, and the default carry for a vertical Eldritch comp. Her ability is quite strong as well, mixing damage and CC.

As previously mentioned, the hard part is fitting a lot of Eldrtich units while also activating the Mage trait. Certain combinations like Mage 3 and Eldritch 5 can work.

Or maybe Eldritch 7 with an Emblem + Mage 3 will be stronger.

Briar (5G) – Eldritch + Ravenous + Shapeshifter

TFT Set 12 Briar Ability

[See Briar’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have Briar, making her TFT debut. Her Shapeshifter trait pairs well with Elise, and her kit provides a lot of factors. She has movement, CC, omnivamp, damage, and a bit of survivability through Shapeshifter.

Her Ravenous trait also lets you sacrifice player HP for permanent Health on Briar. This can help scale her into a late game carry, as her Shapeshifter trait will further scale this permanent Health.

Best TFT Eldritch Augments

Eldritch Crest/Crown


Gain an Eldrich Emblem and a Nilah.

As previously mentioned, an Eldritch Emblem makes it much easier to hit Eldritch 7. You save one extra slot to add in another unit like a Mage, and you can hit Eldritch 7 before finding Briar, letting you power spike sooner.

Eldritch Emblem also only cares about the star level of the unit, so you can place it on any unit, saving space for better items on your carrys/main tank.

School Mascot


The Eldritch summon is equipped with beneficial items. The summon gains an additional 10% Health and 25 Ability Power. Gain an Elise and a Syndra.

School Mascot is the Eldritch trait Augment, and it’s a solid one to pick if you’re going for vertical Eldritch. The Augment will grant your summon items, which make it much stronger.

If you’re only going for Eldritch 3 or 5, this Augment becomes less valuable, so plan accordingly.

TFT Eldritch Team Comps

As of writing this article, the PBE has yet to even release yet. While I was fortunate enough to participate in the playtest for Set 12, we definitely need more time to test/theorycraft team comps.

Be sure to check back as I’ll be updating this section with potential Eldritch team comps. We also will be updating our TFT Team Comps page as our team plays the PBE.

Vertical Eldritch Team Comp

TFT Set 12 Eldritch Team Comp Test

This first team comp is an example of a vertical Eldritch team comp. We use the Eldritch Emblem on Galio to reach Eldritch (7), but you can use any Mage in place of Galio.

Galio and Norra are both Portal units, so if you have a Portal Emblem, you can reach Portal (3). Norra is especially good for this comp, as you can place Yuumi onto Briar.

Yuumi will heal and grant bonus AD for Briar, turning her into an even more powerful carry.

For this comp, we have Nami and Briar as the main carrys. Nami will hold your AP items, while Briar will hold melee carry items like Bloodthirster.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 12, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 12 Reveal Page.