Teamfight TacticsTraits

TFT Set 12 Guide: How to Play Chrono

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How to Play Chrono — TFT Set 12: Magic N’ Mayhem

TFT Set 12 is releasing very soon, and, in this guide, we’ll go over everything you need to know about the new TFT trait: Chrono.

We’ll be covering how Chrono works, the different Chrono champions, good Augments, and Chrono team comps.

Explore all of the new Set 12 traits here!

How TFT Chrono Works

Chrono Trait Bonus

TFT Set 12 Chrono

Chronos gain 15 Ability Power. Combat start: Begin a 16 second countdown, which speeds up by 1 second after each Chrono Ability cast. At the end of the countdown, gain a special effect:

  • (2) Your team restores 20% health; Chronos gain 20 more AP.
  • (4) AND freeze time for 2.5 seconds, Chronos keep fighting and gain 35 AP.
  • (6) AND Chronos gain 60% Attack Speed and your team heals 100% Health instead.

It’s been a while since TFT introduced a “time stop” mechanic. The last one I can remember is Ekko’s ability from Set 3 would freeze time while he attacked the enemy team.

Overall, Chrono is definitely a trait that shines at (4), because that’s when the time freeze bonus is active. Having more Chrono units also speeds up the countdown. As more Chrono units cast, the countdown will progress faster.

This is especially important since if the freeze takes too long, your opponent might already be mowing down your team.

Chrono Synergy

Here are all of the Chrono Champions and their other traits:

  • Jax (1G) – Multistriker
  • Zilean (2G) – Frost + Preserver
  • Vex (3G) – Mage
  • Karma (4G) – Incantor
  • Camille (5G) – Multistriker

Even though there are only 5 Chrono units, there is a trait overlap. Jax and Camille are both Multistrikers, making them an easy pair. However, while Jax and Camille are AD, the rest of the units are mainly AP.

This can make the midgame awkward if you want to try and fit Chrono (4) into your team comp. Having an Emblem greatly reduces this issue. While Zilean is mainly AP, his Preserver trait is more utility based, making Chrono (4) not as heavy of an investment regardless if you go the Jax/Camille route or Karma/Vex.

TFT Chrono Champions

Jax (1G) – Chrono + Multistriker

TFT Set 12 Jax Ability

[See Jax’s Champion Page]

Jax is a simple frontline unit for the Chrono trait. His ability is a mixture of AoE damage and bonus Armor/MR. This is nothing out of the ordinary for 1-cost units.

As a 1-cost unit, his power will fall off dramatically as the game progresses. Outside of reroll comps, Jax will likely only stay present in team comps that can utilize both of his traits for the late game.

As previously mentioned, any team using Camille can utilize Jax very well, activating two traits with one unit.

Zilean (2G) – Chrono +Frost + Preserver

TFT Set 12 Zilean Ability

[See Zilean’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have Zilean, a 2-cost units with three traits. The Frost trait doesn’t have any direct overlap with the other Chrono units, so you likely won’t be looking to combine Frost with Chrono.

The same can be said for Preserver. The Preservers don’t have any direct overlap with Chrono. However, many Preserver units are AP based, such as Morgana (Witchcraft), or Bard (Sugarcraft). These traits have other AP units that can overlap with Vex/Karma.

Looking at his individual kit, having both damage and single-target stun is quite valuable for his ability. This can make the early/mid game very comfortable if you stun just one enemy unit.

Vex (3G) – Chrono + Mage

TFT Set 12 Vex Ability

[See Vex’s Champion Page]

Up next, we have Vex who is a frontline unit for the Mage trait. Frontline AP units are quite scarce in TFT, so they usually have solid meta relevance throughout the set.

Vertical Mage comps will definitely want Vex, and you can even flex into Chrono (2) quite easily with Zilean (Preserver).

Karma (4G) – Chrono + Incantor

TFT Set 12 Karma Ability

[See Karma’s Champion Page]

Karma is the 4-cost unit for Chrono and a potential 4-cost carry. Her ability is single target, which can be an issue for AP carrys. Her ability also provides team healing if the enemy dies while affected by her ability. This can be powerful if you consistently takedown enemies.

However, if your team falls behind in damage or your frontline gets bursted down, you’ll lose out on this aspect of her ability.

Camille (5G) – Chrono + Multistriker

TFT Set 12 Camille Ability

[See Camille’s Champion Page]

Lastly, we have Camille, the 5-cost unit for Chrono. Her Multistriker trait and kit make her an AD, melee, “Bruiser” type unit. I don’t mean Bruiser like the HP trait, but more like the playstyle from LoL.

She’ll want sources of healing and damage to provide survivability, and she can also make use of defensive items as well.

Her kit is very multifaceted, providing a little bit of everything like stun, true damage, movement, damage reduction, and more. With the right items and trait buffs, Camille can definitely zip around and take down even the tankiest enemy units.

Best TFT Chrono Augments

Chrono Crest & Chrono Crown


Gain an Chrono Emblem and a Zilean.

As with every Origin, getting an Emblem opens up a lot of team comp possibilities. Reaching 4 Chrono can be very demanding on your team comp slots, so having an Emblem cuts down on this requirement greatly.

Furthermore, if you place the Chrono Emblem on a low mana pool Champion, they will cast frequently, speeding up the Chrono countdown.

Fast Forward


After casting an ability, Chronomancers gain 30% Attack Speed and 15% Omnivamp for 3 seconds. Gain a Jax and a Zilean.

Fast Forward is the Chrono trait Augment, and is a decent Augment. Attack Speed and Omnivamp are generally AD preferred stats, so having this for Camille is a great buff.

However, many other Augments provide teamwide buffs, and Chrono isn’t a vertical trait like Eldritch or Witchcraft. Even still, if you can get Chrono (4), this Augment will provide solid stats for those units.

Press the Attack


Your Multistriker’s attacks apply a stack on their target for 5 seconds. Every third stack deals true damage equal to 5.5% of the target’s maximum Health. Gain a Kassadin and an Ashe.

Press the Attack is the Multistriker trait Augment, and can be quite powerful if you decide to build into Multistriker with Chrono. Jax and Camille already account for (2), so adding two more for (4) isn’t too difficult.

The Augment is also quite powerful, dealing % max Health true damage. This can let your team melt through tanks, but is a tad less effective against squishy backline units.

Even still, shredding through the enemy frontline quickly can easily lead to a teamfight victory.

TFT Chrono Team Comps

As of writing this article, the PBE has yet to even release yet. While I was fortunate enough to participate in the playtest for Set 12, we definitely need more time to test/theorycraft team comps.

Be sure to check back as I’ll be updating this section with potential Chrono team comps. We also will be updating our TFT Team Comps page as our team plays the PBE.

Chrono Faerie Team Comp

TFT Set 12 Team Comp Chrono Faerie

While not fully tested, two traits that pair very well together are Faerie and Chrono. This is because the Faerie trait has this overlap:

  • Kalista (Faerie/Multistriker)
  • Rakan (Faerie/Preserver)
  • Jax (Chrono/Multistriker)
  • Zilean (Chrono/Preserver/Frost)
  • Camille (Chrono/Multistriker)

With this core of 5 units, you get Faerie (2), Multistriker (3), Chrono (3), and Preserver (2).

You can then use the extra 3 team slots to get up to Chrono (4) and add some more trait bonuses.

While this team comp can work in theory, we won’t know if it’s viable until we test it in game. It could be that going vertical into Faerie or Multistriker is better than going in this direction.

Thanks for Reading! If you want to try and come up with your own team comps for Set 12, check out our Team Builder. For a full overview on the new set, check out our TFT Set 12 Reveal Page.