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TFT 7 Worst Charms in Set 12

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TFT Set 12 Worst Charms

In this TFT article, I will be going over the 7 worst Charms to take Stage 4 and after, so make sure to avoid them!

Charms have become an important part of the playstyle and identity of Set 12. However, some Charms are much stronger than others.

While others can be good for a single round, they can also put the rest of your game behind if you buy it at the wrong time. It can be easy to pick a charm that ruins your game plan or sets your economy back for the rest of the game. This list will help you avoid those Charms!

For the purpose of this list, I will not be including individual trait Charms as those can vary greatly depending on what is in the meta. I will be avoiding Xerath’s Ascended Charms as those are only in the game at specific times. These are generic Charms that I am looking over from Stage 4 onwards – the middle and end of the game!

For a full list, check out our TFT Charms Page to see all of the possible Charms that can appear in your shop.

7. Zoomify

TFT Set 12 Charm Zoomify

0 Gold: Your team gains 200% movement speed for 1 round.

Although it is free, this is one of the weaker Charms you can have during your stage 4 fights and is also quite popular. It doesn’t do much for most ranged comps in the game.

I have seen it look decent for Kassadin Multistriker comps who then don’t waste time walking up to the enemy team. In general, this Charm is much better for melee comps – however, it isn’t giving much power to your team.

If this Charm cost 1 Gold it would be unclickable. This Charm is one that you click because you are settling and not rolling for a Charm – otherwise don’t take it.

6. The Count

TFT Set 12 Charm The Count

2 Gold: Reroll your Shop with a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 cost champion.

This is an economy Charm where you get to take a little gamble. It is stronger whenever 4-costs and 5-costs are strong and flexible. At 2 gold, you are essentially paying for a reroll that guarantees a 4 and 5-cost which isn’t much better than your regular odds at level 8.

The biggest draw back is that you are losing a potential combat Charm and making your team weaker. The exception is if you are looking for a certain 5 cost to round out your traits such as Camille for Multistrikers or Briar for Eldritch.

However, this is a huge gamble and in most cases you will come up short. This is another Charm that I would only settle for because I didn’t plan to roll for a better Charm or if I was desperate to try and find a certain 5-cost.

5. Enhance

TFT Set 12 Charm Enhance

1 Gold: Reroll your Shop with champions 1 cost higher.

Similar to The Count, this Charm is about getting better shops – in theory. It is another gamble of a Charm and is largely based on what other units are next to it in the shop.

For example, if there are multiple 4 costs in shop with this, Enhance at 1 gold to see multiple 5 costs at level 8 is more than worth it.

However, that isn’t typically the case. Usually there are 2-cost and 3-cost units that turn to 3-cost and 4-cost units. Which if you hit the units you are looking for it’s well worth the 1 gold. However, most of the time it will simply be losing 1 gold as well as the option for a combat Charm.

4. Major Wish – Item in Stage 4

TFT Set 12 Charm Major Wish

5 Gold: Gain a Random Effect (temporary Support Item)

Major Wish is more rare in Stage 4 and can give a major payout to the player when they hit Gold or Rerolls. It can be game changing! However, there are also huge low rolls which is the temporary support Item given to the player for a single round.

Paying 5 gold to win a single round in Stage 4 is detrimental to your economy. Much different than paying 5 gold to get additional economy.

In later stages, getting the temporary support item is less of an issue, but earlier in the game it is too costly and not something you want to see if you take the gamble on a Stage 4 Major wish.

3. Conjure Emblem

TFT Set 12 Charm Conjure Emblem

15 Gold: Gain a random uncraftable Emblem.

For 15 gold and no control of the emblem you get this Charm is rarely worth it. One exception would be while playing the Flexible Augment. On top of this, 15 gold is incredibly expensive and can be painful for your gold economy.

If you miss and essentially lose 15 gold for no combat power, then your game may be close to over unless you were in a spot where you could throw 15 gold away.

On top of this, there aren’t a lot of emblems that would be worth paying 15 gold. Most of them are not very impactful. This is a Charm that players should avoid in almost every circumstance.

2. Major Polymorph

TFT Set 12 Charm Major Polymorph

0 Gold: Non-combat: A 4-cost champ you have transforms into a 5-cost.

This Charm is a big bait for a lot of players. As the potential for turning a 2-star 4-cost into a 2-star 5-cost sounds like a great idea. However, you could potentially lose your carry and get a 5-cost that doesn’t fit your comp.

There are hits such as Diana that could turn your game around. The other option is the Polymorph hitting a 1-star 4-cost which means the player essentially made 1 gold unless they really needed a specific 5-cost.

On top of this, losing out on a combat Charm at this stage of the game will often mean a round lost. There are just so many more impactful Charms for the game.

There is one exception for this Charm though that almost redeems it. If you have a 3-star 4-cost, you can sell all other 4-costs champions and turn it into a 3-star 5-cost champion and often win the game with it! This is easily the best and maybe only time you should be choosing this Charm!

Bonus: Summon Dragon for a Single Round Win

TFT Set 12 Charm Summon Dragon

12 Gold: Summon a 4000 Health Dragon for 1 round.

Although Dragon boasts a round win rate of over 75%, it doesn’t do much for the average placement. This is due to players seeing this Charm and picking it at the wrong time.

You don’t want to use this Charm as a win more Charm as at 12 gold it is too expensive to do it. And spending 12 gold to win a round but not increase your placement is far from ideal.

Dragon is one of the best Charms to win the final round and should be saved for big fights rather than clicking it just because it showed up in your shop. Don’t waste your Dragons! This Charm isn’t bad, but a lot of players misuse this Charm!

1. Artifactinate

TFT Set 12 Charm Artifactinate

1 Gold: 4 random items become Artifacts for 1 round.

Players spend the entire game hand selecting and thoughtfully planning their items to synergize well with each other for specific champions. Most artifacts aren’t going to be better than your regular items.

Although 1 gold is cheap, there are cases where you may make your team weaker by clicking this Charm. It consistently performs the worst for round win rates at less than 40% and increases average placement by almost half a place.

There are so many better Charms! You are better off not having a Charm at all than clicking this one! Avoid it!

In Conclusion

One of the easiest pitfalls is taking a cheap Charm that doesn’t do much for your team or your next combat. There are niche scenarios when it is good, but in most cases the player is making a gamble that often won’t pay off.

Instead, be more choosey with your Charms and don’t settle for cheap ones when you need to win specific fights! There are so many Charms in the game, so be sure to be selective!

If you want to see some of the best Charms, be sure to check out my article 7 Best Charms in Set 12!