In this Marvel Rivals Hulk guide, you’ll learn the fundamentals of his abilities, unique play styles, and fundamental tips.
Marvel RivalsMarvel Rivals Hulk Character Guide
Hulk Overview
HULK SMASH!!! The green monster has no need to control his anger on the battlefield. Hulk leaps across the map and attacks whomever he pleases. While he can feel limited by his melee kit, those with a mind as brilliant as Banner’s, can find a way to win every game.
Hulk is an interesting combination of a simultaneously easy and difficult hero. The melee attacks don’t require skilled aiming, and the huge health pool is very forgiving.
On the other hand, Hulk players need to use strategy more than skill if they hope to climb the ranked ladder. Once he gets really angry and transforms into Monster Hulk, you’ll see a massive difference between those highly skilled at juggling and those who just hit the enemy away from Hulk and into safety.
Although he is the most banned hero in Diamond and above, learning Hulk is well worth the investment as his kit is fun, powerful, and versatile.
Find out where Hulk ranks in our Marvel Rivals tier list.
- Be patient and minimize damage taken by jumping around the map's cover and clinging to walls.
- Save Indestructible Guard to block specific enemy abilities like stuns.
- Alternate between Heavy Blow and Gamma Burst when ulting as Monster Hulk.
- Shoot him. The best thing to do against Hulk is charge your ultimate off of him, and force him to disengage early.
- CC him over and over. Once his Indestructible Gaurd has been used, Hulk has no way of stopping CC.
- Play heroes with mobility and escape tools to get out of his melee range.
Strengths and Weaknesses
- The best part of Hulk’s kit is his Incredible Leap. Hulk can quickly transverse the maps and even jump into the air to contest fliers. As a dive Vanguard, he is great quickly advancing upon the enemy backline by jumping over their frontline defense.
Incredible Team-Ups
- The real reason Hulk has been so dominant in high level play and is currently the most banned hero in ranked is because of his Team-Ups with Doctor Strange and Iron Man. He turns Iron Man from a mid-tier hero into one of the best heroes in all of Rivals. Gamma Malestorm also increases the lethality of Strange’s best ability and he is already one of the best Vanguards in the game.
CC Immune Shield
- Every melee hero is vulnerable to CC, but Hulk has sold counterplay. If he correctly reacts or predicts an enemy's CC ability, he can completely negate the effect and continue his attack while they are the most vulnerable.
Weak to Crowd Control
- Anytime Hulk is trying to leap to engage or disengage, all CC abilities cancel the Incredible Leap Charge, and he has to begin charging it all over again. If this happens twice in a row, like Thor Storm Surging him over and over, Hulk is basically dead.
Easy to Feed
- A large amount of HP and the huge body of Hulk combined with being a melee hero makes it very easy to exist only to charge up the enemy’s ultimates. Hulk needs to be constantly aware of how much damage he is taking. Even if he isn’t dying, he can be costing his team the game by taking up all his team's healing resources and letting the enemy farm ults.
Limited to Melee Range
- Hulk has good mobility, but he can’t get into melee range as easily as other melee heroes can. He relies on staging and pathing to minimize damage before he gets into his optimal range. Once in range, many heroes have multiple ways of getting out of his melee range as well. With both his ranged abilities being on long cooldowns, Hulk players can struggle to stay active throughout the entirety of a game.
Hulk's Ability Tips
Primary Fire: Heavy Blow
DESCRIPTION | Swing fists forward to punch enemies |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Single-cast Spell Field |
DAMAGE | 40 |
RANGE | 4.5m |
Tips for Heavy Blow
- Primary Form of Damage
- Always be Swinging
- Anytime you are relatively in range to an enemy, just hold down attack to ensure you’re landing strikes whenever possible.
- High Sensitivity
- Since Hulk has no aim intensive abilities, playing with a sensitivity higher than your normal sensitivity will help track point blank enemies moving all around you.
- Animation Cancelled by All Other Abilities
- Heavy Blows animation can be canceled at any point by activating another one of Hulk’s abilities.
- Don’t need to stop punching before using Indestructible Guard, for example.
Secondary Fire: Gamma Burst
DESCRIPTION | Emit gamma-ray bursts to inflict damage |
KEY | Right Click |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile that can pierce through enemies |
DAMAGE | 70 |
Tips for Gamma Burst
- Best Ult Charge Generating Tool
- During set up phases, before Hulk has the opportunity to get into melee range, he should be looking to cleave multiple enemies with Gamma Burst to build up his ult as fast as possible.
- The gamma-ray has a large hitbox and pierces enemies, so try to line up multiple targets in a straight line.
- Gamma Mid-Air When Leaping at a Target
- Hitting your dive target with Gamma Burst before getting into melee range extends the amount of time Hulk is inflicting damage on his enemies.
- Doing so also eliminates waiting for the recovery animation as you can start attacking with Heavy Blow the moment you get into range.
[SHIFT]: Indestructible Guard
DESCRIPTION | Generate gamma shields for Hero Hulk and nearby allies, absorbing and converting damage into energy for HULK SMASH |
CASTING | Single-cast spell field that surrounds the caster |
RANGE | 5m spherical radius |
COOLDOWN | 12s |
SPECIAL EFFECT | When the caster's shield takes damage, 100% of the damage is converted into gamma energy. When an ally's shield takes damage, 10% of the damage is converted into gamma energy |
Tips for Indestructible Guard
- Do Not Waste on Random Poke Damage
- Only use your bubble when your or an ally's life is actually in immediate threat of being KO’d.
- For reference, only use this 12 second cooldown in one of the scenarios listed below.
- No Limit to Burst Damage Absorbed
- Even though his self bubble has 200HP and the ally bubble only has 100HP, they still negate an infinite amount of damage from a single instance of damage.
- Example: Iron Man’s ult deals 1000 dmg, but anyone with an Indestructible Guard bubble around will take no damage.
- Use to Counter Crowd Crowd Control
- Crowd control and stuns are really strong against Hulk since he’s always trying to be in melee range.
- Example: When diving a Mantis, predict when she try to sleep you, and counter with an Indestructible Guard.
- Save the entire team from a CC ultimate.
- Example: You can react to Strange’s voice line, “The Eye of Agamotto,” with your SHIFT. Anyone in your AoE will get a bubble and will be immune to Strange’s ult.
- Generate Ult Charge
- Damage taken by your and your ally’s bubbles is converted into Ult Charge.
- Multiple bubbles generated in times when the enemies are pressured to attack means more ult charge for you.
[E]: Radioactive Lockdown
DESCRIPTION | Emit gamma energy to irradiate enemies and render them immobilize and immune to all ability effects. Using Heavy Blow or Gamma Burst will prematurely remove this status |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile. |
DAMAGE | 5 |
COOLDOWN | 15s |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Heavy Blow and Gamma Burst can detect and damage irradiated enemies, and prematurely remove the status |
Tips for Radioactive Lockdown
- Hulk’s Longest Cool Down
- Aim carefully, because if you miss, you won’t get another opportunity for a full 15 seconds.
- Save to Counter Specific Ultimates
- If you believe the enemy has an Ultimate that can be CC’d, hold onto Radioactive Lockdown until that ultimate comes out.
- In the Hulk Mirror, hitting the enemy Hulk with Radioactive Lockdown during his ult is a great way to save your teammates.
- Irradiated Fliers Fall
- If you are leaping at a flier, but fall short, Radioactive Lockdown is great for still getting them out of the air and into your range.
- Lockdown a target just before transforming into Monster Hulk
- Doing so helps you set up your Monster Hulk Combos which minimizes time wasted.
- When Attacking two targets, stun one and fight the other.
- Works great to stun the Strategist and then fight the other enemy who can’t be healed for two seconds.
[Space]: Incredible Leap
DESCRIPTION | HOLD Space to perform a charged leap that allows Hero Hulk to Knock a flying enemy to the ground |
KEY | Space |
CASTING | Charged Dash |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Press Space during the Incredible Leap to cling to the wall you encounter |
Tips for Incredible Leap
- Change Hero Settings
- Go into hero settings for Hulk and turn, “Hold To Jump,” off.
- Doing this allows you to tap jump and always be charging your leap.
- Knockdown fliers
- Out of all the Vanguards, Hulk is the best anti-flier.
- Fliers have slow aerial movement which makes them easy targets for Incredible Leap.
- Hold primary fire the entire time to simultaneously snatch the target down and inflict damage upon them.
- Jump Off Walls
- Many Hulk players fail to take advantage of his ability to cling to and jump off walls.
- When defending and the enemy team is approaching, Hulk can be set up above the enemy team and drop down once he sees a backline target.
- Jumping off walls can give Hulk access to high ground he can’t reach with a regular Incredible Leap.
- Jump at Minimum Charge
- Repeatedly jumping at minimum charge is the fastest way for Hulk to traverse the map or return from spawn.
Ultimate: Hulk Smash!
DESCRIPTION | Unleash stored gamma energy, transforming from Hero Hulk into Monster Hulk for a limited time period |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Transformation |
DURATION | 12s |
ENERGY COST | 3400 |
SPECIAL EFFECT | The caster is immobilized during the transformation process and gains Invincibility |
Tips for Hulk Smash!
- Use Up all Cooldowns
- All Hulk Transformations refresh his cooldowns so try and use up all available abilities before transforming into, and out of Monster Hulk.
- Use as a Survival Ability
- No matter how little health you have, transforming into Monster Hulk always starts you over at the full 1400hp.
- Doesn’t activate Instantly
- Hulk can be killed and forced into Puny Bruce if he loses all his HP during the brief startup animation.
- Refer to the Monster Hulk Section Below For a Full Ability Breakdown.
Team-Up: Gamma Boost
DESCRIPTION | Hulk charges Doctor Strange and Iron Man with gamma radiation. When Doctor Strange uses Maelstrom of Madness, he unleashes Gamma Maelstrom. When Iron Man uses Armor Overdrive, he will initiate a gamma upgrade |
KEY | Passive |
TEAM-UP BONUS | Hero Hulk and Monster Hulk gain 150 Max Health |
Tips for Gamma Boost
- Passive ability so you don’t need to worry about its use.
- If your team is already running Iron Man, Hulk is a worthwhile swap as Gamma Armor Overdrive is incredibly strong.
Team-Up: Gamma Fast Ball
DESCRIPTION | Wolverine, Hulk can interact with each other. Once both parties confirm, Hulk can lift Wolverine and press the key to hurl him forward |
KEY | C |
CASTING | Targeted |
COOLDOWN | 3s when not thrown, 15s when thrown |
Tips for Gamma Fast Ball
- Can’t Charge Throw and Leap at the Same Time
- Don’t get messed up mashing throw and holding Wolverine until he dies. Either do not charge your leap, or jump first then throw
- Throw Wolverine Straight up after Incredible leaping sends him flying at full charge and gives him a bit of control over his trajectory.
- Aim Primarily for Vanguards
- The combo is very deadly to Fastball Feral Leap into a Vanguard, then immediately when they get up, Vicious Rampage behind them, to Feral Leap back into your team. If you can pull this off with your Wolverine, you will be tank diffing.
Monster Hulk's Ability Tips
General Tips for Monster Hulk
- Monster Hulk is the most mechanically demanding portion of Hulk’s kit. Radioactive Lockdown and Gamme Burst’s cooldown are greatly reduced, and Heavy Blow knocks back opponents. You’ll want to focus on learning how to time your Leaps, Heavy Blow juggles, and Gamma Bursts.
- Remember, even with 1400HP you have a ginormous hurtbox, and losing all your health reverts you to Puny Bruce.
Primary Fire: Monster Hulk’s Heavy Blow
DESCRIPTION | Swing fists forward to punch and launch up enemies |
KEY | Left Click |
CASTING | Single-cast Spell Field |
DAMAGE | 70 |
RANGE | 5m |
Tips for Monster Hulk’s Heavy Blow
- Learn to Juggle
- Juggle combo
- Heavy Blow → (charge Incredible Leap) → Gamma Burst → Heavy Blow → Incredible Leap Heavy Blow → Gamma Burst
- Juggle in corners or against walls
- If you can trap an enemy in a corner you can keep them airborne and easily juggle them over and over until they are eliminated.
Secondary Fire: Monster Hulk’s Gamma Burst
DESCRIPTION | Emit gamma-ray bursts to inflict damage |
KEY | Right Click |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile that can pierce through enemies |
DAMAGE | 125 |
Tips For Monster Hulk’s Gamma Burst
- Monster Hulk’s Gamma Burst shares all the same qualities and tips as Hero Hulk’s Gamma Burst above, with a few exceptions:
- Super Short Cooldown
- Unless you are engaging in a specific juggle combo, spam this ability as soon as it comes off cooldown.
- Higher Damage and Slower Projectile Travel Speed.
[E]: Monster Hulk’s Radioactive Lockdown
DESCRIPTION | Emit gamma energy to irradiate enemies and render them immobilize and immune to all ability effects. Using Heavy Blow or Gamma Burst will prematurely remove this status |
KEY | E |
CASTING | Single-cast projectile |
DAMAGE | 5 |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Heavy Blow and Gamma Burst can detect and damage irradiated enemies, and prematurely remove the status |
Tips for Monster Hulk’s Radioactive Lockdown
- Monster Hulk’s Radioactive Lockdown shares all the same qualities and tips as Hero Hulk’s Radioactive Lockdown above, with a few exceptions:
- Five Second Cooldown
- 50% Faster Projectile Speed
- Begin Charging Leap, stun your target then jump on them to set up your juggle combos.
- Using Radioactive Lockdown within the first few seconds of transforming lets you use another one before turning back into Hero Hulk.
[Space]: Monster Hulk’s Incredible Leap
DESCRIPTION | HOLD Space to perform a charged leap that allows Monster Hulk to Knock a flying enemy to the ground |
KEY | Space |
CASTING | Charged Dash |
SPECIAL EFFECT | Press Space during the Incredible Leap to cling to the wall you encounter |
Tips For Monster Hulk’s Incredible Leap
- Monster Hulk’s Incredible Leap shares all the same qualities and tips as Hero Hulk’s Incredible Leap, with a few exceptions:
- Slightly faster max charge time
- Slightly faster minimum charge movement speed
- Bunny hop
- If you jump again immediately after landing from an Incredible Leap, Monster Hulk will carry his momentum forward for multiple regular jumps.
- Great for moving quickly and getting in close to enemies since you don't have to keep waiting to charge another Leap.
- Juggle combo
- At point-blank range, begin charging Incredible Leap, then:
- Heavy Blow → Heavy Blow + Incredible Leap → aerial Knock Down → Heavy Blow → Gamma Burst → (Repeat as needed).
- Hulk’s most lethal combo which deletes Strategies and when looped, can take out Vanguards as well.
[Q]: World Breaker
DESCRIPTION | Grab and smash the enemy in front |
KEY | Q |
CASTING | Targeted |
DAMAGE | Delivers 5 hits, each dealing 40 damage |
RANGE | 5m |
SPECIAL EFFECT | While performing the smash, Hulk gains a 30% Damage Reduction |
Tips for World Breaker
- Wastes almost half of your ultimate's duration
- Never use at the beginning of your ult as you can deal way higher damage by punching and gamma blasting.
- If you lose all your health while standing still for 5 full seconds during World Breaker, you transform back into Puny Bruce so be very careful.
- Used at the last second of your ultimate, Monster Hulk continues to smash his grabbed enemy and benefits from the 30% damage reduction
- World Breaker Combo
- Gamma Burst → Heavy Blow → World Breaker
- Eliminates all 350HP and below Heroes
Team Comp Synergies
Ideal team comps built around Hulk have multiple ally heroes who can assist him when he dives into enemy backlines. Hero Hulk’s damage is typically too slow to KO through any amount of sustain so he relies on coordinated attacks with teammates to get the secure elims.
Having a team that can move around with Hulk as he chases the enemy team also greatly increases his effectiveness. Hulk doesn’t get many benefits from Invisible Woman’s Invisible Boundary ultimate for instance, because the enemy team will just walk away from Hulk so he won’t be able to get the AoE and attack at the same time.
The playstyle of repeatedly engaging and disengaging also benefits from having Strategists with burst healing to minimize the amount of time needed to spend out of the fight.
Team Comp Example
- Vanguards: Hulk, Doctor Strange
- Duelists: Iron Man, Psylocke
- Strategists: Luna Snow, Cloak & Dagger
Hero Synergies
Vanguards: Doctor Strange
Not only does Doctor Strange’s power level increase from the Gamma Team-Up, but these two Vanguards benefit from their stark differences. Strange has trouble with fliers and enemies on high ground. Hulk makes quick work of both of these types of enemies.
Hulk leaves his team without a frontline of defense, and Strange’s shield provides ample damage mitigation and protection for their backline. Strange also doesn’t exert much pressure on the enemy backline, but Hulk specializes in harassing the enemy’s Strategists.
Duelists: Iron Man
Hulk has great synergy with Iron Man. Hulk takes up so much attention when he jumps in the enemy's face, Iron Man can come in with his Gamma Overdrive Unibeam and melt their targets.
Even across the map, Iron Man’s primary fire can target the same enemies Hulk is diving on which makes Hulk's presence much more deadly. The very heroes that counter Iron Man, like Hela, Hulk is really strong against.
Strategists: Luna Snow
Luna Snow has good ranged healing, and Share the Stage can even provide a bit of extra sustain when Hulk goes behind enemy cover. When Hulk is disengaging, Luna can freeze enemies who are looking to CC or KO her Hulk.
A movable AoE of healing and damage boost is the final key in unlocking this powerful duo’s true potential. Unlike many other Strategist ults, Luna can go deep into enemy territory with Hulk while using her ult and help him wipe their backlines.
Table of Contents
Base Stats
Role | Vanguard |
Difficulty | 4/5 Stars |
Health | Bruce: 200 Hulk: 650 Monster Hulk: 1400 |
Movement Speed | 6 m/s |