Marvel RivalsTeam Comps

Best Marvel Rivals Team Comp List

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Marvel Rivals Meta Team Comps

In this guide, we’re breaking down our Best Marvel Rivals Team Comp list from the summer beta period. Throughout the Beta and into the War of The Realms official Marvel Rivals open tournament we have seen every single hero shine.

Even Black Panther, who is widely agreed to be the weakest hero, has made his mark in high level games and was featured in Grand finals. Whether you are playing in a full 6 stack, or solo queuing, it’s good to know what heroes synergize well together and what team comps give you the best chance of winning.

We are still very early in Rivals development so we expect to see the meta quickly changing as new heroes are added to the roster and new strategies are developed. Let’s dive into the best team comps, and go over what makes each team so strong!

The Meta Comp

marvel rivals meta comp

  • Vanguards: Venom, Magneto
  • Duelists: Punisher, Scarlet Witch
  • Strategists: Luna Snow, Mantis

Simultaneously being the strongest and one of the easiest comps to play, this 2-2-2 team is primarily built around exploiting the strongest and most viable kits in Marvel Rivals. Venom is practically unkillable and is the best Vanguard for diving into the enemy backline alone. The Metallic Chaos Team-up ability between Magneto and Scarlet Witch transforms Magneto into an ultra lethal frontline.

Punisher’s ability to output huge damage from range and explode enemies up close with his shotgun has made him a mainstay in every comp. For Strategists, Luna Snow provides an immense amount of sustain to her entire team and doesn’t require the team’s resources to stay alive because of her freeze and self-heal.

Mantis tops this comp off by focusing on using Life Orbs to give out constant damage boosts to her allies, and help keep herself and the rest of her backline alive with her AoE sleep. If you haven’t already encountered this comp, we highly recommend running it when you want an evening of easy wins!


marvel rivals dive team comp

  • Vanguards: Venom, Hulk
  • Duelists: Spider-Man, Star-Lord
  • Strategists: Rocket Racoon, Mantis

Dive comps are extremely popular in high-level competitive play. Sustain in Marvel Rivals is so unbelievably high that slowly chipping away at enemy health and resources makes it feel like the enemy is unkillable. Forming a full team around heroes who can all quickly engage and attack a selected target, inflicting a burst of damage too high for the enemy to survive through, has become one of the strongest methods of winning team fights.

The most important abilities for Vanguards and Duelists in a Dive comp is mobility to traverse the map, bypass the enemy front line, then escape to safety after executing their target. All four of these heroes possess similar levels of mobility to attack from different angles at the same time, and Hulk gives out his personal shields allowing everyone to stay in the fight longer.

Mantis’s damage boost helps to ensure her allies are able to inflict enough damage to actually secure the eliminations, and her and Rocket are able to maintain distance and stay alive on their own while the rest of their team goes on the offensive.


marvel rivals brawl team comp

  • Vanguards: Groot, Thor
  • Duelists: The Punisher, Storm
  • Strategists: Jeff the Shark, Loki

Selecting heroes that want to play grouped closely together is another popular way to form a team comp. These comps lack a lot of ranged damage but excel in close range fights.

By staying grouped up, the entire team benefits from Groot’s and Jeff’s AoE healing, keeps the fight in range of Loki’s clones and maximizes Storm’s AoE damage boost. Punisher and Thor are the heavy hitters in this comp and can use their high bursts of damage to thwart the enemy team’s attack attempts with their own reactive offense.


marvel rivals poke team comp

  • Vanguards: Doctor Strange, Magneto
  • Duelists: Hela, Iron Man
  • Strategists: Luna, Rocket Racoon

For teams who prefer to keep their distance and like to rely on superior aim mechanics, poke comps are an excellent choice. On open maps like Convoy on Yggdrasil, poke comps are dominating.

The two shield Vanguards upfront block incoming damage and give their Hela and Iron-Man substantial amounts of time and opportunity to get early kills from range.

Poke teams want to rotate around the objective and maintain some distance from their enemies since they are always at an advantage at range, but get ran over when forced into close range engagements.

Area Control

marvel rivals area control team comp

  • Vanguards: Peni Parker, Groot
  • Duelists: Namor, Iron Man
  • Strategists: Luna Snow, Loki

Marvel Rivals teamfight aspects can really shine on the Domination map, Royal Palace. Building your team around their ability to manipulate the environment and hold down a single area can make for overwhelming wins as the enemy team often struggles to find a way to break through your team’s defense.

Peni’s traps and mines, combined with Groots walls create a front line that is extremely difficult to advance upon. Loki’s clones and Namor’s turrets set up around the point transform the objective area into a death zone for the enemy.

Top your team off with Luna for the Chilling Charisma Team-up and high sustain, and Iron-Man to output constant AoE damage at choke points and you have yourself a near impenetrable defense.

1 – 3 – 2 (1 Vanguard, 3 Duelists, 2 Strategists)

1 - 3 - 2 comp

  • Vanguards: Venom / Hulk
  • Duelists: Spider-Man, Namor, The Punisher
  • Strategists: Adam Warlock, Luna Snow

Alternate 1-3-2 team comp

  • Vanguards: Magneto
  • Duelists: Scarlet Witch, The Punisher, Hela
  • Strategists: Rocket Racoon, Luna Snow

Running a team with only a single dive Vanguard may seem like a terrible idea at first, but we have seen great success with this comp at every level of play. The basic strategy is for Venom/Hulk (interchangeable based on player preference) to initiate the dive engagement, creating the opportunity for Spider-Man to follow up and confirm eliminations.

The Punisher’s job is to position near the objective as a sort of “mid-line,” where he either provides support to his Vanguard and Spider-Man’s aggression, or focuses on wearing down the enemy front line.

Namor sticks with his Strategists and uses his turrets primarily for defense and preventing the enemy from aggressing on his team since they have no Vanguard to protect them. Luna Snow is needed for her ranged healing to Venom/Hulk, and Spiderman, and the Chilling Charisma Team-up with Namor.

Adam Warlock makes for the best secondary Strategist to further focus on offensive aggression and for his Soul Bond which his squishy team needs to be able to tank all the incoming damage.