Lost Ark Paladin Class Leveling Guide
If you’re a new Lost Ark player or just created a new character, this Paladin leveling guide is for you.
This article includes builds, tips, and more to help speed up your leveling to end game.
Once you hit level 50, be sure to visit our Paladin end game guide.
To learn how to play another class, check out our other Lost Ark class guides.
To see how well Paladin performs in both PvP and PvE, please, read our article on the best Lost Ark classes in the current meta.
Prioritize gear with Crit and Specialization for extra damage and clear speed while leveling. Swiftness is good to have but Endurance, Domination, and Expertise are useless stats.
Skills can be reset at any time at no cost. Prioritize skill points towards skills that let you clear mobs of monsters as quickly as possible on a low cooldown. Here are the most important skills.
Important Skills

Image from Lostarkive
Flash Thrust
- 3-3-1
- Small AoE ability with decent damage on a low cooldown.
Executioner’s Sword
- 2-2-1
- Good damage ability that can be AoE or single target depending on which tier 3 tripod you choose.
Holy Explosion
- 3-2-1
- Good AoE ability for mobbing.
Holy Sword
- 2-2-1
- Single target damage with high burst.
Execution of Justice
- 2-2-0
- Good AoE ability for mobbing.
Extra Points
Whenever you have a few extra points left over:
- 1-0-0
- Overall good damage aoe skill with great range to clear mob groups from afar.
Wrath of God
- 1-3-0
- Some extra AoE damage if needed.
Skill Progression 1-50
- Level 14
- 7 Flash Thrust
- Level 20
- 10 Flash Thrust
- Level 24
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 7 Executioner’s Sword
- Level 30
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- Level 33
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- 7 Holy Explosion
- Level 38
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- 10 Holy Explosion
- Level 41
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- 10 Holy Explosion
- 7 Holy Sword
- Level 45
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- 10 Holy Explosion
- 10 Holy Sword
- Level 47
- 10 Flash Thrust
- 10 Executioner’s Sword
- 10 Holy Explosion
- 10 Holy Sword
- 7 Execution of Justice
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